Thursday, November 5, 2020

I Need A Bad Bleep Funny T Shirt

I Need A Bad Bleep Funny T Shirt. Producers: Is there any way you can either dull down the “beeping” noise to bleep out curse words or just make it silent? That loud high-pitch tone is about 3x as loud as normal volume and is literally painful to listen to. Why make it SO loud and piercing? Have to mute those entire segments where suspects are constantly cursing due to that annoyingly high loud tone and then I wind up missing most of the dialogue. Please either greatly adjust the volume, use a much lower tone or just make that bleep edits silent. Thanks! These people kill me riding around an don’t even bother to hide there stash. I mean it’s too late to worry about the dope when that blue light shows up in the rear view…

I Need A Bad Bleep Funny T Shirt, hoodie, sweater, v-neck t-shirt and tank top

Trust me I watch LIVE PD I'm basically a cop Guys tee

Guys tee

Buy this shirt: I Need A Bad Bleep Funny T Shirt


The landlord looks the fool! I Need A Bad Bleep Funny T Shirt. That poor guy is ill and you people think it is funny. When you laugh in meanness Karma will come for you one day! Dan, I have a suggestion, when the officer makes a traffic stop why not have the driver turn his vehicle off take the keys and either drop them out the window or put on the roof of the car. To me it would be less likely the officer would be in a chase, not to mention they wait until the officer has exited his vehicle walks towards the stopped vehicle then they take off. Thanks, Jay Sledge, That place was terrible. I’d be ashamed to be the landlord. He sure isn’t keeping his rental property up. That poor guy deserves to get some free rent just for living in it!!

I Need A Bad Bleep Funny T Shirt

Disgusting. I Need A Bad Bleep Funny T Shirt. It’s a shame a fund has been made for him (not that I’ve seen) he truly could use it and would be eternally grateful. Does anyone know his name? I felt bad for this senior…seems like he really needs help, maybe a county agency can step in to help this man??? The landlord should be turned in for renting something not fit for a dog to live in and for shutting off the electric I’m glad the police made him get the electric back on, This was so sad. I think him losing his pants was funny but the situation is so messed up!! Evicting an old man who’s sick? Who you have been letting live there rent free for 18 years.

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