Monday, May 31, 2021

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White

TO KINDA REALLY GET AN INSIDER’S VIEW OF WHAT’S GOING ON ESPECIALLY FROM COVER 19 NEXT IS WE KIND OF FEATURED AND OTHER VIDEO CHINESE NEUROLOGIST CLAIMS THE CCP CREATED THE WUHAN VIRUS A Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White CRIME ERA THAT FELT SHE AND THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ARE COVERING FOR CHINA SO SHE ACTUALLY BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON DEFTLY THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY AND THEIR CONNECTIONS WITHOUT NEXT IS FACT CHECKING FATTY SO WE REALLY WANTED TO INCLUDE DONE INCLUDE THAT AND ALSO A CARTOON THAT GOES WITH IT REALLY LAYS OUT JUST EXACTLY WHAT THE TRUTH IS WHAT THE FACTS ARE AS DEFTLY WHAT HE SAID OR STATED THE NEXT IS THE FIRST NEWS THE DEEP STATE MAINSTREAM MEDIUM BIG PHARMA’S WORST NIGHTMARE IS AN AWOKEN HUMANITY AND HYDROCHLORIC. We can do a lot of are like about actually though I plan to practice on the to my father the leg is inand you will okay just in the district there I know will jiggle 70 mm nine amendments to make mention of Bob in a little late. Well it’s good everybody so I wentand saw the movie this morning I started to pack all eyes on the movie on it was pretty good you know what you know you see 50 San Jay to take it out here in Canada bashing parts of the movie but the movie was pretty you know what I like they touched on everything in that in the bed the whole timeline to back the only thing I was disappointed about about the movie is that it didn’t go totally in depth with everything but I totally recommend you see the movie case there’s no way I can describe it to you in a way where you can experience it anyway so don’t worry about business for ARS we all know what happened but then the movies I can’t spoil anything for you I can spoil one thing for you we can see here when he seen it or not you have to see it for yourself now but I ate it all the day saying a lot was I now most of it is like everything in the movie they did fact check it with things like I even thought thatand there’s no way spoil the movie for you because you have to experience it if you ever looked at two boxlike you’ve kind of seen the movie you just haven’t seen the way they I could pick up the movies don’t worry about me spoiling the movie for you I there’s no way swell if you are not going to total detail everything but they didn’t get into detail with certain parts of the movie like you know like how we got famous stuff I can skip over that by narrating it with a channel interview that he didn’t they just reenacted a channel interview he did we’ve all seen this interview it’s a kind facility video I think an hour long him just talking we are seen as you know South I just think can escape through the beginning of his life just shelf it basically a Wikipedia of his life on antibiotics cutely oneand to go a little deeper into things that you didn’t know aboutand everything in the movie we ran about so you’re just kinda seen that movie for missing Wikipedia in movie form is nothing wrong with that I think on only the only part I was disappointed me was a few characters they chose on the showand I character was dealt below the good ones should character was amazing began place to back is amazing is very good on I just didn’t like the Snoop Dogg character I thought that way sad I can look or feel like Snoop Dogg certain things get the feeling off but I it was I to get moving get check it out on I think it’s impossible to contact his whole life in two hours salute that boy young saluteand Gigi Mayo did a good job may not do a good joband not course Grady did a good job rabies as he did a great job he played a perfectly but yeah man I goes like this dollars yeah I was a great topic know how would now like you might not like it tell you right case they would wanted to go he would probably wanted to go deeper into his life but I think I think you should go see the movie event because I cannot support things like this in the culture anyways okay so in the end this is good I’m not telling you anything bad it wasn’t a bad movie is a good movie on I would tell you it was trash out with actually I was satisfied when I leftand you know you don’t see that movie or as satisfied I got paid my my saga good movie actually bought three tickets are why why do you know what I wanted to go so I buy three different tickets so I ended up spending 21 see the movie way it’s good I you guys go see it that boy in Michigan in early dealing I went at 10 AM yeah definitely also lucky organized you can be happy sought that because it’s two hours of gray filmmaking okay there might be a few characters that didn’t like to take the characters we know in real life like Snoop Dogg okay you’re stilland enjoy the movie hundred percent pay they show every day showing illness too much they just don’t going total depth of the do you go in the just theater now I didn’t I went to ANSI I nomad Johnson had here in Atlanta check that out there’s also a Cindy bistro but I went to ANSI the reclining seats not taking pop wouldn’t go see Gigi are now I mean you know I think there needs to be another tube I think there needs to be a longer Tupac because his life he can’t I still can’t believe he was only 25and did all the things he didn’t like this guy like let’s bring up the staff said I how many movies is to I think he was in seven movies he was an 11 movies 11 movies how many how did the any reported 12345677 now moansand then seven was while he was aliveand then after his death wine 234 5678 910 like her 11 hours after his death I think even more than maybe 12 that’s crazy because think about it most people can’t do that their whole life he didn’t like years as crazy as first argument 119 91 Tupac Now that’s crazy man so he he was really like active active like six years six years man that’s crazy man in a day show everything him even wanting to kinda get off death row that the way he died way to add a problem with some crib members right before he died think they can show everything generally leads to much outmanned so as for everyone to play now appreciate you bro appreciationand salute on the Yogi banks was good so Tupac was pretty amazing brought me to do all that in such a short amount of time that’s crazy when you think about that Mandy that no one is ever to be like pot I hate it when people compare themselves to talk like even Wyattand Lucci dropped something today saying something pot did know you near Pac Man you can’t be out for two yearsand compare yourself to talk I’m sorry man I’m sorry if you a bad fogand 10 movies if you been an 11 moviesand you haven’t done seven our homes within five years get I hearand also yet deftly watch the movie the least two hours two hoursand 20 minutes pretty long but doesn’t feel that cuts like you going through that timeline talks deftly the greatest just product the jaded JPEGand said her character was a bunch of lies they put in what the movie guys okay there was they had to establish that jaded taking Tupac had a special relationship that was deeper than just being friends it was a soul sold their souls match strikeand I was the only way they can kinda show that in a short amount of time so they had to show interaction with him in jail that was really deep in the back to embellish a little bit go totally crazy with itand show jaded Tupac in effect seen Ernie think she even said their relationship was deeper than sex they never had sex it was deeper than sex because they it was a mental bondand she said you only get one of those friendships your whole life nowand I you know that they did for the movie I don’t think the antibiotics aren’t always exactly hundred percent okay but you know are now meant JT never was going to leave death row JT yes he was actually Wendy day who was friends with talk he was leaving death row he just couldn’t get off because they worry that he would have to get lawyersand everything to Gaffney was in the process of doing honestly the last three months he was trying to get his paperwork right to get off the death row but you don’t just tell himand walk away like Dr Dre did it savage life but he had moneyand he started a labeland Dr Dre produced his own shared everything so he didn’t need anybody Tupac had to doingand awake is the way he he was on pal from death row it they were buying a house everything he was too tightand it was it would take him a few months to on ravel from death row on my arm to come out soon is joking to Jordan for retro shot tomorrow okay cool I think the movie was asked it was just it was good you can okay I’m not I’ll think so afraid I the movie was okay it wasn’t trash it was good I think it was good I thinkand encourage everybody to go see it it wasn’t the best bioticand fiber seen think the strata Compton was fucking go feeling to it is that it was missing that feeling but still get why is your character she played a big role site also yet they missed out a few people but in the mist at the scene where he spent on the infamous they were spent on the that I reportersand 40 guy I heard about 40 got was pop today are I hope he poster now John Singleton has a real spooky shit going onand I think it would be good if he he was journey get too deep with it was a better than big E movie the movie was more cinematic than this was I can’t say it was better though they were about equal now peace mode staffand how they betray the relationship between pocketand his mother that was dealt those were the two strongest characters meand I’m right just talk about the movieand I will talk about tomorrow to it yes but I it ways that those were the two strongest characters man they showed how strong the bond was between his mother how his mother was there form after she got cleanand he had some successand got her cleanand everythingand she was more clearheadedand help was there for Pokand warned him about certain things going on in that your target on his back as he was a black leader evaluate it was definitely was it’s definitely worth seeing Jay smooth definitely worsening is get Richard tried die trying a better movie better yes it is because think about it 50 was alive to tell the storyand they they was very cinematic good point that should I have the person who did two Nice Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White For Men and Women Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Is working great if we can have Jessica jelly even one being now nowand the make a Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White mistake the box office was pretty damn that you had a film open up to over hundred million dollars so while I I say that the display number 400and remember in order to start at decline with the last one as well so when when the film opens up over hundred million dollars only call that a bad opening that we can at the box officeand have much people watch Jessica Jones 30 million people to watch Jessica Jonesand 39 people did what Jessica Jones is not all 30 about to go to movie theaterand myself every week there’s something big going on a television or some other brand new videogame is being released or something there’s always some things I don’t really think that had probably had much of an impact somebody thing now is also think I’ll designer gone here in LA totally packed probably helped affect the box to globally delete any alleys to the final in Omahaand it is time to all 329 hours went right here baby I was busy being upset with you that I was gonna next as a lawyer now other than when I heard there were I don’t even know was officially greenlighted for it may have been a mistake in my mouth have it if it has special or have you heard any development isand that of yesterday think nobody interesting to have multiple well this is like you know a different point in his life to his mind on the Toyota is my vote goes to Kyle Chandler from Friday night lights make the best thing it was a Boz Lerman Elvis that there was no music musical numbers just shocking how totally unrelated I know but if you want to see a great Elvis please I know almost none of you watch it watch Bubba Hotel said writers gamble playing LDL this was still alive is that Elvis was still alive in an old age homeand nobody believes he’s Elvisand what is Elvis how do you know they told he has to fight an actual money you that is meeting on the residence of an old age home it’s amazing hanging hotel writableand you know it it monies are a real retirement homes on Did something about please watch Bubba Hotel from that from the is from the guy who made phantasm he was like look a need to make this movie called Bubba Hotel to try to do a SQL called Bubba not for you with rhino the guy put I never had made in writing was given the old age Elvis fighting I made now which is so importantand so we went upand asked me to reduce the convention was better security I mean there’s there’s what they do a lot of movie premieres now what I don’t like but it’s effective I yeah check your phones when you go in to what they just have a lot of these probe like a global premiers with these have a big table lined up as you’re going to theaterand wages you hand them your phone or if you with some you have the both your phones they put into a Ziploc bag with half of the ticket as numberand they get the other half the ticket to you so that when you come out you get your ticketand the LEO piece your ID in it so that this photo ID with the snow you can make off with your phonesand while it’s inconvenientand it’s been a pain yes it’s effectiveand if they really want to do 23 they didn’t do that they didn’t check phones at the 20 don’t think upand they did a great job of locking it down so other than checking phones better security inside more people monitoring the audience makes her know we split don’t let anybody walk in with a standalone camera actually probably make those check but other more personality only I can think of but we should really talk to me from Disney we some Disney people we should brothers acetate what did you do to increase yesterday remark your chart con this year security what you do to try to minimize the amount of your Isaiah do is I informed all my security staffand we all have a meeting which apparently they don’t do a comic on because every time I asked somebody iconic on who security had a different answer for me as the one I was allowed to do what I was allowed to fill the D 23 is a very uniform process I used to agree with you that you have to take yourself in the only cyclic footage but I had myself the 23 people had standalone cameras in the 23 no footage godly so all you have to do is step of your security or security program let everybody know what’s going on get them on the same page you guys still say Carl was in a suit staring at you you’re not gonna take out your phonesand it’s that easy have a degree of the the security of having you know people in the theater like both behindand in front just the scanning audience the entire time of whatever their screening after showing a three minute trailer believe me you’ll see it’s like bodies to do the all Union armies stand at attention one you just moves a little bit you’ll see it’s a semi lifting up a phoneand that light comes on than their your alluded the Natalie weird infrared threat you think US account to spy unlike see who has a phone lit up or something it’s a pretty present I can do is hire more people I was next to you by phone for now is not showing my wife maybe around seminary sold out found also the skill guys that’s awesome retreats like Phillyand Lego Lego movie close nothings latest it’s coming there’s a desire Lego sailor Lego Batman coming is really nothing latest report it’s there making it their animating it right now my advantage the next one in a series so what would you want to see after Batman could you do a Star Wars Lego movie is that all gospel why you not know is notand here’s why it’s not possible because of something that they’ve done which I don’t really think they can hold two they said everything now Lucas was pretty adamant about this everything now that comes out with a Star Wars label on it is can it so with Lego which is always kind ofand elsewhere playing around anything if Lucas wanted to stick to those gunsand everything that happens again would have to be a new original story that fits in the Canon thing is what Lego does building us way to do now is just always guys hanging out like a flashand hawk if you you see a Lego the force awakens videogame which would just like a movie trailers like the Lego version of the stars force awakens to the two hours making us keep up the grill awesome very good stuff I was next on well I don’t really celebrate American they seem to in Canadian but normally what I do is I usually go to my wife’s family’s place we hang out barbecueand eat me Ray Ryanand her family do that so that’s probably what was decreed budget was probably head over the theaters agreed to but but what he has thinks a tradition on my only real things giving Tricia to stay the hell out of the kitchen every time I walk through their nine people youngand to get the hell out or how a letterand I watched football all day long while I’ve I’ve made Thanksgiving dinners for people I’ve gone to people’s places for Thanksgiving dinner so usually it’s a site hanging out with friends eating a lot of food once in a while go see a movie usually don’t get on Thanksgiving it will goad you on Friday is Friday everybody has often like lazing about does watch a ton of TV is only just hang out at your house I also watch a football watch football next year I was sitting in the lines run every year for some unknown reason the one at Barry Sanders my guide made a three hour cylinder to funnel so much pain when I don’t do is a soul like weird shopping thing where people try to kill each other for clothes of a black Friday that if you will just get nutsand crazy so I design a watching videos of people to like that is very obtaining a recommend some of the media but know that this may not black Friday is not something that a distant cameo things in Canada now limits is so popular in the state we always had boxing day but they have to Christmas the day after Christmas that candles always the big’s the big shopping big sales day because after Christmasand nobody wants to buy everything is on massive sale on Boxing Dayand I mean my doubt of my dad we get like five the morning go somewhere get live gal the big boxing they said that made sense because Yost dropped their prices because Christmas now is over we spent their money to give people boxing gloves to fight over the goodies you bought your putting all your boxes away a day to be a nag was way too nice to have a get to be the crap had added have had as much to her questions are real which when she told me before that we had the same actions in question came in at the week or two ago it’s probably because I got to stand right in front of it at Lucasand was at Skywalker Ranch that totem from the beginning of Raiders lost our it takes that was awesome but probably in these wetand slippery be a problem that is a serious manager to undertake the Arcata covenant like my girlfriend at they were there to comment on like we have men working on since half men America shield Thor’s hammer the tomato any of the stuff is in a marvel universe of profit others if you guys a lot of your sick of looking at a marble exec is anywhere our last question of the day so line until the incredible that’s a great question the Lucky you you’re looking at a a director who when he did the incredible’s a lot of opportunities came openand with Brad Bird yell he guys up to his live action killed it with his mission impossible so much with tomorrowland although the blood a lot of very cool things a lot of potential into more wasn’t executed great on Pixar has kept themselves very busy with a lot of stuffand I really do think an incredible sushi to come out a long time ago that being said I’ve enjoyed with Bradford’s been doing with his career he makes a between animation live action coming back incredible now I was glad it’s happening so while I agree should come out four years ago totally happy that’s coming out about you getting any of the factories it takes our hand another 10 years they said were not doing sequels anything holds on the making of anything with an IRI fine will do you toys there is an IRA five will do finding that Doria right finally doing travel still why the incredible station in the next legal agreement is happy is going on. Com open release on December 20 January 18 the first ever hostile for hospitals this is a huge life of a cat mayand and Kathy Academyand is well comes that is every 20 seconds getting getting that award consideration Christian Bale rose a month like then foster West studios so great last of the Mohegan to the mass there we to see him back on screen I think this movie will expand the was a very emotional journey for all of the characters coming at this particular tail from very different angles house at all to play I like this trailer gave us Kennedy starting lineup of how everybody’s feeling about the situation the Christian Bale’s character has been tossed into but we don’t know how is to play out I hope that we don’t see any productive promotional material is to give away what the twistand turns his Plaza think there is can be a lot of reconciliationand is gonna be a lot of meeting of the mindsand and journeys of very personal nature here so this is one of the ones it can be on my list as far as Academy award consideration although they don’t let me go to yeah darkness this is a dark grim trailer it took me a minute to even get into watching it because I love slow brooding Westerns the mean if you are alive back then you would be like that site note in the you would be me if we switch to chains like I get to see the parallels with her running with the storyline so is it all star cast can’t buy this an opportunityand I love I love Christian you watch the trailer how did your family feel about you watching the trailer to the last together that’s one of the things people need to realize is that I work for these trailers mean that as a market was was just good news is I like 4 PM I got you with grocery shoppingand everything elseand I’m alive but this morning took my phone to if I miss watching my daughter dropped me about 50 times but I did finish itand I love it right away but by right away thought of 310 to Yuma because of the Christian Baleand foster relationship but then I did absolutely think about last weekand the second so mysterious about underrated performance by him is in heat my comments he laid on the Albertina’s partner in crime so I I love West dutyand I love that he’s gonna be in this film is movie does look darkand does the directory look at his past work you knowand ends another collaboration here’s Christian Bale they know each other well they work together well it some it’s stepping up like slowburn you can tell that for sure but signed me up on the to go going you potentially how they are going to the grocery storeand sit in the car for two minutesand two of the trailer there when you just by yourself I would rather do a carpal video on my dashboard then to actually work store to see Ashley second light I style hostile hostile summary stay with 30 minute I was in there now I feel I was eating hostile hostile sonic boy my own the boy white paper looks really yeah like I feel awful that the board sign Rosenman Pike talking about deathand how she wishes it would come to the Internet were already you is over I was a running time on this to me this could be one of those you know whatever the shooting of the guy by the Coward Robert Ford the way however the assassination of the great were so amazing really work so long I don’t care what you 44 hoursand me good movie I don’t care but slowburn exiting this huge difference might my problem with the murder on your express is that it started I could start up moneyand sort of a really move meand then it got slowand I’m assuming a slowburn aware like investing a boring boringand a slowburn slowburn is like where were leading up to something were getting involved with the help give it takes to three hours to get there that’s fine as long as I’m invested that this was I invested 30 minutes I don’t I don’t mind slowburn to build a just the trailer load builds that dark moodand then as you see the characters are intertwiningand burping at the same time the movie is like a every reflux both my grandparents for her on the 3R movies again spent two minutes but the trailer in the bathroom window in the basketball story that you will finally going to take out years guarantor nimbly elaborate from the movie everything I’ve not been determined currently serving steps for traffic world finding they’re currently right here sign many personae by mean it’s a seam same take before by the love Kung Skyland but I did love Kings of summer which he directed at himand so I think he’s a really great directorand I still think that is more than he canand I want to see it in overtime at that the screenwriter but I was comes the screenwriter I always have to give it really looks for this fileand director by directors awareness can be working with that particular scriptand he’s going to bring a script on South Jordan believes that this script is the one he wants this day wants to write the script themand by that I do believe in him as a directorand I think that can’t Skyland had a lot of problemsand I know that we normally do the judging of the last movie but I’m enough to give them all againand I’m essay that maybe this is the one that he he takes in the second one right Chevy look at his interestand out of you are aware think the dark the writer did go to Miami so that changes your viewpoint I haveand I think that you have called Skylandand I like that movie I really enjoyed watching it I met my issue with each snap was that you didn’t have a whole lot of back story with any of the characters with metal gear solid it is such a immense worldand people love this they love metal gear so the going to show up in full forceand they want a great movieand I can accept anything last Connolly also worked on Jurassic world safety not guaranteed he’s one of the guys who was rumored to be working or doing a treatment of episode nine I don’t think that still happening but I know that he was working addressing profound kingdom to so he’s got some big blockbuster experience writing these think if we can get a little more meat on the bone when it comes to meeting these know your solid characters as opposed as a giant active these I think that’s gonna attract new viewers as well as a hard core metal gear fence I think of case in point is that Jordan Voigt Roberts loves metal gear solid is a big fan you play the game so hearty so doing has relied on the taxesand or Sally had a lot of different game but the days working with the same writer I feel like I like can’t Skyland yes the humans got the short trip Capt. Joseph patron of the universal church pray for us back in the studio guys right she’ll follow See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White TO KINDA REALLY GET AN INSIDER’S VIEW OF WHAT’S GOING ON ESPECIALLY FROM COVER 19 NEXT IS WE KIND OF FEATURED AND OTHER VIDEO CHINESE NEUROLOGIST CLAIMS THE CCP CREATED THE WUHAN VIRUS A Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White CRIME ERA THAT FELT SHE AND THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ARE COVERING FOR CHINA SO SHE ACTUALLY BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON DEFTLY THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY AND THEIR CONNECTIONS WITHOUT NEXT IS FACT CHECKING FATTY SO WE REALLY WANTED TO INCLUDE DONE INCLUDE THAT AND ALSO A CARTOON THAT GOES WITH IT REALLY LAYS OUT JUST EXACTLY WHAT THE TRUTH IS WHAT THE FACTS ARE AS DEFTLY WHAT HE SAID OR STATED THE NEXT IS THE FIRST NEWS THE DEEP STATE MAINSTREAM MEDIUM BIG PHARMA’S WORST NIGHTMARE IS AN AWOKEN HUMANITY AND HYDROCHLORIC. We can do a lot of are like about actually though I plan to practice on the to my father the leg is inand you will okay just in the district there I know will jiggle 70 mm nine amendments to make mention of Bob in a little late. Well it’s good everybody so I wentand saw the movie this morning I started to pack all eyes on the movie on it was pretty good you know what you know you see 50 San Jay to take it out here in Canada bashing parts of the movie but the movie was pretty you know what I like they touched on everything in that in the bed the whole timeline to back the only thing I was disappointed about about the movie is that it didn’t go totally in depth with everything but I totally recommend you see the movie case there’s no way I can describe it to you in a way where you can experience it anyway so don’t worry about business for ARS we all know what happened but then the movies I can’t spoil anything for you I can spoil one thing for you we can see here when he seen it or not you have to see it for yourself now but I ate it all the day saying a lot was I now most of it is like everything in the movie they did fact check it with things like I even thought thatand there’s no way spoil the movie for you because you have to experience it if you ever looked at two boxlike you’ve kind of seen the movie you just haven’t seen the way they I could pick up the movies don’t worry about me spoiling the movie for you I there’s no way swell if you are not going to total detail everything but they didn’t get into detail with certain parts of the movie like you know like how we got famous stuff I can skip over that by narrating it with a channel interview that he didn’t they just reenacted a channel interview he did we’ve all seen this interview it’s a kind facility video I think an hour long him just talking we are seen as you know South I just think can escape through the beginning of his life just shelf it basically a Wikipedia of his life on antibiotics cutely oneand to go a little deeper into things that you didn’t know aboutand everything in the movie we ran about so you’re just kinda seen that movie for missing Wikipedia in movie form is nothing wrong with that I think on only the only part I was disappointed me was a few characters they chose on the showand I character was dealt below the good ones should character was amazing began place to back is amazing is very good on I just didn’t like the Snoop Dogg character I thought that way sad I can look or feel like Snoop Dogg certain things get the feeling off but I it was I to get moving get check it out on I think it’s impossible to contact his whole life in two hours salute that boy young saluteand Gigi Mayo did a good job may not do a good joband not course Grady did a good job rabies as he did a great job he played a perfectly but yeah man I goes like this dollars yeah I was a great topic know how would now like you might not like it tell you right case they would wanted to go he would probably wanted to go deeper into his life but I think I think you should go see the movie event because I cannot support things like this in the culture anyways okay so in the end this is good I’m not telling you anything bad it wasn’t a bad movie is a good movie on I would tell you it was trash out with actually I was satisfied when I leftand you know you don’t see that movie or as satisfied I got paid my my saga good movie actually bought three tickets are why why do you know what I wanted to go so I buy three different tickets so I ended up spending 21 see the movie way it’s good I you guys go see it that boy in Michigan in early dealing I went at 10 AM yeah definitely also lucky organized you can be happy sought that because it’s two hours of gray filmmaking okay there might be a few characters that didn’t like to take the characters we know in real life like Snoop Dogg okay you’re stilland enjoy the movie hundred percent pay they show every day showing illness too much they just don’t going total depth of the do you go in the just theater now I didn’t I went to ANSI I nomad Johnson had here in Atlanta check that out there’s also a Cindy bistro but I went to ANSI the reclining seats not taking pop wouldn’t go see Gigi are now I mean you know I think there needs to be another tube I think there needs to be a longer Tupac because his life he can’t I still can’t believe he was only 25and did all the things he didn’t like this guy like let’s bring up the staff said I how many movies is to I think he was in seven movies he was an 11 movies 11 movies how many how did the any reported 12345677 now moansand then seven was while he was aliveand then after his death wine 234 5678 910 like her 11 hours after his death I think even more than maybe 12 that’s crazy because think about it most people can’t do that their whole life he didn’t like years as crazy as first argument 119 91 Tupac Now that’s crazy man so he he was really like active active like six years six years man that’s crazy man in a day show everything him even wanting to kinda get off death row that the way he died way to add a problem with some crib members right before he died think they can show everything generally leads to much outmanned so as for everyone to play now appreciate you bro appreciationand salute on the Yogi banks was good so Tupac was pretty amazing brought me to do all that in such a short amount of time that’s crazy when you think about that Mandy that no one is ever to be like pot I hate it when people compare themselves to talk like even Wyattand Lucci dropped something today saying something pot did know you near Pac Man you can’t be out for two yearsand compare yourself to talk I’m sorry man I’m sorry if you a bad fogand 10 movies if you been an 11 moviesand you haven’t done seven our homes within five years get I hearand also yet deftly watch the movie the least two hours two hoursand 20 minutes pretty long but doesn’t feel that cuts like you going through that timeline talks deftly the greatest just product the jaded JPEGand said her character was a bunch of lies they put in what the movie guys okay there was they had to establish that jaded taking Tupac had a special relationship that was deeper than just being friends it was a soul sold their souls match strikeand I was the only way they can kinda show that in a short amount of time so they had to show interaction with him in jail that was really deep in the back to embellish a little bit go totally crazy with itand show jaded Tupac in effect seen Ernie think she even said their relationship was deeper than sex they never had sex it was deeper than sex because they it was a mental bondand she said you only get one of those friendships your whole life nowand I you know that they did for the movie I don’t think the antibiotics aren’t always exactly hundred percent okay but you know are now meant JT never was going to leave death row JT yes he was actually Wendy day who was friends with talk he was leaving death row he just couldn’t get off because they worry that he would have to get lawyersand everything to Gaffney was in the process of doing honestly the last three months he was trying to get his paperwork right to get off the death row but you don’t just tell himand walk away like Dr Dre did it savage life but he had moneyand he started a labeland Dr Dre produced his own shared everything so he didn’t need anybody Tupac had to doingand awake is the way he he was on pal from death row it they were buying a house everything he was too tightand it was it would take him a few months to on ravel from death row on my arm to come out soon is joking to Jordan for retro shot tomorrow okay cool I think the movie was asked it was just it was good you can okay I’m not I’ll think so afraid I the movie was okay it wasn’t trash it was good I think it was good I thinkand encourage everybody to go see it it wasn’t the best bioticand fiber seen think the strata Compton was fucking go feeling to it is that it was missing that feeling but still get why is your character she played a big role site also yet they missed out a few people but in the mist at the scene where he spent on the infamous they were spent on the that I reportersand 40 guy I heard about 40 got was pop today are I hope he poster now John Singleton has a real spooky shit going onand I think it would be good if he he was journey get too deep with it was a better than big E movie the movie was more cinematic than this was I can’t say it was better though they were about equal now peace mode staffand how they betray the relationship between pocketand his mother that was dealt those were the two strongest characters meand I’m right just talk about the movieand I will talk about tomorrow to it yes but I it ways that those were the two strongest characters man they showed how strong the bond was between his mother how his mother was there form after she got cleanand he had some successand got her cleanand everythingand she was more clearheadedand help was there for Pokand warned him about certain things going on in that your target on his back as he was a black leader evaluate it was definitely was it’s definitely worth seeing Jay smooth definitely worsening is get Richard tried die trying a better movie better yes it is because think about it 50 was alive to tell the storyand they they was very cinematic good point that should I have the person who did two Nice Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White For Men and Women Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Is working great if we can have Jessica jelly even one being now nowand the make a Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White mistake the box office was pretty damn that you had a film open up to over hundred million dollars so while I I say that the display number 400and remember in order to start at decline with the last one as well so when when the film opens up over hundred million dollars only call that a bad opening that we can at the box officeand have much people watch Jessica Jones 30 million people to watch Jessica Jonesand 39 people did what Jessica Jones is not all 30 about to go to movie theaterand myself every week there’s something big going on a television or some other brand new videogame is being released or something there’s always some things I don’t really think that had probably had much of an impact somebody thing now is also think I’ll designer gone here in LA totally packed probably helped affect the box to globally delete any alleys to the final in Omahaand it is time to all 329 hours went right here baby I was busy being upset with you that I was gonna next as a lawyer now other than when I heard there were I don’t even know was officially greenlighted for it may have been a mistake in my mouth have it if it has special or have you heard any development isand that of yesterday think nobody interesting to have multiple well this is like you know a different point in his life to his mind on the Toyota is my vote goes to Kyle Chandler from Friday night lights make the best thing it was a Boz Lerman Elvis that there was no music musical numbers just shocking how totally unrelated I know but if you want to see a great Elvis please I know almost none of you watch it watch Bubba Hotel said writers gamble playing LDL this was still alive is that Elvis was still alive in an old age homeand nobody believes he’s Elvisand what is Elvis how do you know they told he has to fight an actual money you that is meeting on the residence of an old age home it’s amazing hanging hotel writableand you know it it monies are a real retirement homes on Did something about please watch Bubba Hotel from that from the is from the guy who made phantasm he was like look a need to make this movie called Bubba Hotel to try to do a SQL called Bubba not for you with rhino the guy put I never had made in writing was given the old age Elvis fighting I made now which is so importantand so we went upand asked me to reduce the convention was better security I mean there’s there’s what they do a lot of movie premieres now what I don’t like but it’s effective I yeah check your phones when you go in to what they just have a lot of these probe like a global premiers with these have a big table lined up as you’re going to theaterand wages you hand them your phone or if you with some you have the both your phones they put into a Ziploc bag with half of the ticket as numberand they get the other half the ticket to you so that when you come out you get your ticketand the LEO piece your ID in it so that this photo ID with the snow you can make off with your phonesand while it’s inconvenientand it’s been a pain yes it’s effectiveand if they really want to do 23 they didn’t do that they didn’t check phones at the 20 don’t think upand they did a great job of locking it down so other than checking phones better security inside more people monitoring the audience makes her know we split don’t let anybody walk in with a standalone camera actually probably make those check but other more personality only I can think of but we should really talk to me from Disney we some Disney people we should brothers acetate what did you do to increase yesterday remark your chart con this year security what you do to try to minimize the amount of your Isaiah do is I informed all my security staffand we all have a meeting which apparently they don’t do a comic on because every time I asked somebody iconic on who security had a different answer for me as the one I was allowed to do what I was allowed to fill the D 23 is a very uniform process I used to agree with you that you have to take yourself in the only cyclic footage but I had myself the 23 people had standalone cameras in the 23 no footage godly so all you have to do is step of your security or security program let everybody know what’s going on get them on the same page you guys still say Carl was in a suit staring at you you’re not gonna take out your phonesand it’s that easy have a degree of the the security of having you know people in the theater like both behindand in front just the scanning audience the entire time of whatever their screening after showing a three minute trailer believe me you’ll see it’s like bodies to do the all Union armies stand at attention one you just moves a little bit you’ll see it’s a semi lifting up a phoneand that light comes on than their your alluded the Natalie weird infrared threat you think US account to spy unlike see who has a phone lit up or something it’s a pretty present I can do is hire more people I was next to you by phone for now is not showing my wife maybe around seminary sold out found also the skill guys that’s awesome retreats like Phillyand Lego Lego movie close nothings latest it’s coming there’s a desire Lego sailor Lego Batman coming is really nothing latest report it’s there making it their animating it right now my advantage the next one in a series so what would you want to see after Batman could you do a Star Wars Lego movie is that all gospel why you not know is notand here’s why it’s not possible because of something that they’ve done which I don’t really think they can hold two they said everything now Lucas was pretty adamant about this everything now that comes out with a Star Wars label on it is can it so with Lego which is always kind ofand elsewhere playing around anything if Lucas wanted to stick to those gunsand everything that happens again would have to be a new original story that fits in the Canon thing is what Lego does building us way to do now is just always guys hanging out like a flashand hawk if you you see a Lego the force awakens videogame which would just like a movie trailers like the Lego version of the stars force awakens to the two hours making us keep up the grill awesome very good stuff I was next on well I don’t really celebrate American they seem to in Canadian but normally what I do is I usually go to my wife’s family’s place we hang out barbecueand eat me Ray Ryanand her family do that so that’s probably what was decreed budget was probably head over the theaters agreed to but but what he has thinks a tradition on my only real things giving Tricia to stay the hell out of the kitchen every time I walk through their nine people youngand to get the hell out or how a letterand I watched football all day long while I’ve I’ve made Thanksgiving dinners for people I’ve gone to people’s places for Thanksgiving dinner so usually it’s a site hanging out with friends eating a lot of food once in a while go see a movie usually don’t get on Thanksgiving it will goad you on Friday is Friday everybody has often like lazing about does watch a ton of TV is only just hang out at your house I also watch a football watch football next year I was sitting in the lines run every year for some unknown reason the one at Barry Sanders my guide made a three hour cylinder to funnel so much pain when I don’t do is a soul like weird shopping thing where people try to kill each other for clothes of a black Friday that if you will just get nutsand crazy so I design a watching videos of people to like that is very obtaining a recommend some of the media but know that this may not black Friday is not something that a distant cameo things in Canada now limits is so popular in the state we always had boxing day but they have to Christmas the day after Christmas that candles always the big’s the big shopping big sales day because after Christmasand nobody wants to buy everything is on massive sale on Boxing Dayand I mean my doubt of my dad we get like five the morning go somewhere get live gal the big boxing they said that made sense because Yost dropped their prices because Christmas now is over we spent their money to give people boxing gloves to fight over the goodies you bought your putting all your boxes away a day to be a nag was way too nice to have a get to be the crap had added have had as much to her questions are real which when she told me before that we had the same actions in question came in at the week or two ago it’s probably because I got to stand right in front of it at Lucasand was at Skywalker Ranch that totem from the beginning of Raiders lost our it takes that was awesome but probably in these wetand slippery be a problem that is a serious manager to undertake the Arcata covenant like my girlfriend at they were there to comment on like we have men working on since half men America shield Thor’s hammer the tomato any of the stuff is in a marvel universe of profit others if you guys a lot of your sick of looking at a marble exec is anywhere our last question of the day so line until the incredible that’s a great question the Lucky you you’re looking at a a director who when he did the incredible’s a lot of opportunities came openand with Brad Bird yell he guys up to his live action killed it with his mission impossible so much with tomorrowland although the blood a lot of very cool things a lot of potential into more wasn’t executed great on Pixar has kept themselves very busy with a lot of stuffand I really do think an incredible sushi to come out a long time ago that being said I’ve enjoyed with Bradford’s been doing with his career he makes a between animation live action coming back incredible now I was glad it’s happening so while I agree should come out four years ago totally happy that’s coming out about you getting any of the factories it takes our hand another 10 years they said were not doing sequels anything holds on the making of anything with an IRI fine will do you toys there is an IRA five will do finding that Doria right finally doing travel still why the incredible station in the next legal agreement is happy is going on. Com open release on December 20 January 18 the first ever hostile for hospitals this is a huge life of a cat mayand and Kathy Academyand is well comes that is every 20 seconds getting getting that award consideration Christian Bale rose a month like then foster West studios so great last of the Mohegan to the mass there we to see him back on screen I think this movie will expand the was a very emotional journey for all of the characters coming at this particular tail from very different angles house at all to play I like this trailer gave us Kennedy starting lineup of how everybody’s feeling about the situation the Christian Bale’s character has been tossed into but we don’t know how is to play out I hope that we don’t see any productive promotional material is to give away what the twistand turns his Plaza think there is can be a lot of reconciliationand is gonna be a lot of meeting of the mindsand and journeys of very personal nature here so this is one of the ones it can be on my list as far as Academy award consideration although they don’t let me go to yeah darkness this is a dark grim trailer it took me a minute to even get into watching it because I love slow brooding Westerns the mean if you are alive back then you would be like that site note in the you would be me if we switch to chains like I get to see the parallels with her running with the storyline so is it all star cast can’t buy this an opportunityand I love I love Christian you watch the trailer how did your family feel about you watching the trailer to the last together that’s one of the things people need to realize is that I work for these trailers mean that as a market was was just good news is I like 4 PM I got you with grocery shoppingand everything elseand I’m alive but this morning took my phone to if I miss watching my daughter dropped me about 50 times but I did finish itand I love it right away but by right away thought of 310 to Yuma because of the Christian Baleand foster relationship but then I did absolutely think about last weekand the second so mysterious about underrated performance by him is in heat my comments he laid on the Albertina’s partner in crime so I I love West dutyand I love that he’s gonna be in this film is movie does look darkand does the directory look at his past work you knowand ends another collaboration here’s Christian Bale they know each other well they work together well it some it’s stepping up like slowburn you can tell that for sure but signed me up on the to go going you potentially how they are going to the grocery storeand sit in the car for two minutesand two of the trailer there when you just by yourself I would rather do a carpal video on my dashboard then to actually work store to see Ashley second light I style hostile hostile summary stay with 30 minute I was in there now I feel I was eating hostile hostile sonic boy my own the boy white paper looks really yeah like I feel awful that the board sign Rosenman Pike talking about deathand how she wishes it would come to the Internet were already you is over I was a running time on this to me this could be one of those you know whatever the shooting of the guy by the Coward Robert Ford the way however the assassination of the great were so amazing really work so long I don’t care what you 44 hoursand me good movie I don’t care but slowburn exiting this huge difference might my problem with the murder on your express is that it started I could start up moneyand sort of a really move meand then it got slowand I’m assuming a slowburn aware like investing a boring boringand a slowburn slowburn is like where were leading up to something were getting involved with the help give it takes to three hours to get there that’s fine as long as I’m invested that this was I invested 30 minutes I don’t I don’t mind slowburn to build a just the trailer load builds that dark moodand then as you see the characters are intertwiningand burping at the same time the movie is like a every reflux both my grandparents for her on the 3R movies again spent two minutes but the trailer in the bathroom window in the basketball story that you will finally going to take out years guarantor nimbly elaborate from the movie everything I’ve not been determined currently serving steps for traffic world finding they’re currently right here sign many personae by mean it’s a seam same take before by the love Kung Skyland but I did love Kings of summer which he directed at himand so I think he’s a really great directorand I still think that is more than he canand I want to see it in overtime at that the screenwriter but I was comes the screenwriter I always have to give it really looks for this fileand director by directors awareness can be working with that particular scriptand he’s going to bring a script on South Jordan believes that this script is the one he wants this day wants to write the script themand by that I do believe in him as a directorand I think that can’t Skyland had a lot of problemsand I know that we normally do the judging of the last movie but I’m enough to give them all againand I’m essay that maybe this is the one that he he takes in the second one right Chevy look at his interestand out of you are aware think the dark the writer did go to Miami so that changes your viewpoint I haveand I think that you have called Skylandand I like that movie I really enjoyed watching it I met my issue with each snap was that you didn’t have a whole lot of back story with any of the characters with metal gear solid it is such a immense worldand people love this they love metal gear so the going to show up in full forceand they want a great movieand I can accept anything last Connolly also worked on Jurassic world safety not guaranteed he’s one of the guys who was rumored to be working or doing a treatment of episode nine I don’t think that still happening but I know that he was working addressing profound kingdom to so he’s got some big blockbuster experience writing these think if we can get a little more meat on the bone when it comes to meeting these know your solid characters as opposed as a giant active these I think that’s gonna attract new viewers as well as a hard core metal gear fence I think of case in point is that Jordan Voigt Roberts loves metal gear solid is a big fan you play the game so hearty so doing has relied on the taxesand or Sally had a lot of different game but the days working with the same writer I feel like I like can’t Skyland yes the humans got the short trip Capt. Joseph patron of the universal church pray for us back in the studio guys right she’ll follow See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White - from 1

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White - from 1

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White - from 2

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White - from 2

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White - from 3

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White - from 3

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White - from 4

Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White - from 4

TO KINDA REALLY GET AN INSIDER’S VIEW OF WHAT’S GOING ON ESPECIALLY FROM COVER 19 NEXT IS WE KIND OF FEATURED AND OTHER VIDEO CHINESE NEUROLOGIST CLAIMS THE CCP CREATED THE WUHAN VIRUS A Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White CRIME ERA THAT FELT SHE AND THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ARE COVERING FOR CHINA SO SHE ACTUALLY BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON DEFTLY THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY AND THEIR CONNECTIONS WITHOUT NEXT IS FACT CHECKING FATTY SO WE REALLY WANTED TO INCLUDE DONE INCLUDE THAT AND ALSO A CARTOON THAT GOES WITH IT REALLY LAYS OUT JUST EXACTLY WHAT THE TRUTH IS WHAT THE FACTS ARE AS DEFTLY WHAT HE SAID OR STATED THE NEXT IS THE FIRST NEWS THE DEEP STATE MAINSTREAM MEDIUM BIG PHARMA’S WORST NIGHTMARE IS AN AWOKEN HUMANITY AND HYDROCHLORIC. We can do a lot of are like about actually though I plan to practice on the to my father the leg is inand you will okay just in the district there I know will jiggle 70 mm nine amendments to make mention of Bob in a little late. Well it’s good everybody so I wentand saw the movie this morning I started to pack all eyes on the movie on it was pretty good you know what you know you see 50 San Jay to take it out here in Canada bashing parts of the movie but the movie was pretty you know what I like they touched on everything in that in the bed the whole timeline to back the only thing I was disappointed about about the movie is that it didn’t go totally in depth with everything but I totally recommend you see the movie case there’s no way I can describe it to you in a way where you can experience it anyway so don’t worry about business for ARS we all know what happened but then the movies I can’t spoil anything for you I can spoil one thing for you we can see here when he seen it or not you have to see it for yourself now but I ate it all the day saying a lot was I now most of it is like everything in the movie they did fact check it with things like I even thought thatand there’s no way spoil the movie for you because you have to experience it if you ever looked at two boxlike you’ve kind of seen the movie you just haven’t seen the way they I could pick up the movies don’t worry about me spoiling the movie for you I there’s no way swell if you are not going to total detail everything but they didn’t get into detail with certain parts of the movie like you know like how we got famous stuff I can skip over that by narrating it with a channel interview that he didn’t they just reenacted a channel interview he did we’ve all seen this interview it’s a kind facility video I think an hour long him just talking we are seen as you know South I just think can escape through the beginning of his life just shelf it basically a Wikipedia of his life on antibiotics cutely oneand to go a little deeper into things that you didn’t know aboutand everything in the movie we ran about so you’re just kinda seen that movie for missing Wikipedia in movie form is nothing wrong with that I think on only the only part I was disappointed me was a few characters they chose on the showand I character was dealt below the good ones should character was amazing began place to back is amazing is very good on I just didn’t like the Snoop Dogg character I thought that way sad I can look or feel like Snoop Dogg certain things get the feeling off but I it was I to get moving get check it out on I think it’s impossible to contact his whole life in two hours salute that boy young saluteand Gigi Mayo did a good job may not do a good joband not course Grady did a good job rabies as he did a great job he played a perfectly but yeah man I goes like this dollars yeah I was a great topic know how would now like you might not like it tell you right case they would wanted to go he would probably wanted to go deeper into his life but I think I think you should go see the movie event because I cannot support things like this in the culture anyways okay so in the end this is good I’m not telling you anything bad it wasn’t a bad movie is a good movie on I would tell you it was trash out with actually I was satisfied when I leftand you know you don’t see that movie or as satisfied I got paid my my saga good movie actually bought three tickets are why why do you know what I wanted to go so I buy three different tickets so I ended up spending 21 see the movie way it’s good I you guys go see it that boy in Michigan in early dealing I went at 10 AM yeah definitely also lucky organized you can be happy sought that because it’s two hours of gray filmmaking okay there might be a few characters that didn’t like to take the characters we know in real life like Snoop Dogg okay you’re stilland enjoy the movie hundred percent pay they show every day showing illness too much they just don’t going total depth of the do you go in the just theater now I didn’t I went to ANSI I nomad Johnson had here in Atlanta check that out there’s also a Cindy bistro but I went to ANSI the reclining seats not taking pop wouldn’t go see Gigi are now I mean you know I think there needs to be another tube I think there needs to be a longer Tupac because his life he can’t I still can’t believe he was only 25and did all the things he didn’t like this guy like let’s bring up the staff said I how many movies is to I think he was in seven movies he was an 11 movies 11 movies how many how did the any reported 12345677 now moansand then seven was while he was aliveand then after his death wine 234 5678 910 like her 11 hours after his death I think even more than maybe 12 that’s crazy because think about it most people can’t do that their whole life he didn’t like years as crazy as first argument 119 91 Tupac Now that’s crazy man so he he was really like active active like six years six years man that’s crazy man in a day show everything him even wanting to kinda get off death row that the way he died way to add a problem with some crib members right before he died think they can show everything generally leads to much outmanned so as for everyone to play now appreciate you bro appreciationand salute on the Yogi banks was good so Tupac was pretty amazing brought me to do all that in such a short amount of time that’s crazy when you think about that Mandy that no one is ever to be like pot I hate it when people compare themselves to talk like even Wyattand Lucci dropped something today saying something pot did know you near Pac Man you can’t be out for two yearsand compare yourself to talk I’m sorry man I’m sorry if you a bad fogand 10 movies if you been an 11 moviesand you haven’t done seven our homes within five years get I hearand also yet deftly watch the movie the least two hours two hoursand 20 minutes pretty long but doesn’t feel that cuts like you going through that timeline talks deftly the greatest just product the jaded JPEGand said her character was a bunch of lies they put in what the movie guys okay there was they had to establish that jaded taking Tupac had a special relationship that was deeper than just being friends it was a soul sold their souls match strikeand I was the only way they can kinda show that in a short amount of time so they had to show interaction with him in jail that was really deep in the back to embellish a little bit go totally crazy with itand show jaded Tupac in effect seen Ernie think she even said their relationship was deeper than sex they never had sex it was deeper than sex because they it was a mental bondand she said you only get one of those friendships your whole life nowand I you know that they did for the movie I don’t think the antibiotics aren’t always exactly hundred percent okay but you know are now meant JT never was going to leave death row JT yes he was actually Wendy day who was friends with talk he was leaving death row he just couldn’t get off because they worry that he would have to get lawyersand everything to Gaffney was in the process of doing honestly the last three months he was trying to get his paperwork right to get off the death row but you don’t just tell himand walk away like Dr Dre did it savage life but he had moneyand he started a labeland Dr Dre produced his own shared everything so he didn’t need anybody Tupac had to doingand awake is the way he he was on pal from death row it they were buying a house everything he was too tightand it was it would take him a few months to on ravel from death row on my arm to come out soon is joking to Jordan for retro shot tomorrow okay cool I think the movie was asked it was just it was good you can okay I’m not I’ll think so afraid I the movie was okay it wasn’t trash it was good I think it was good I thinkand encourage everybody to go see it it wasn’t the best bioticand fiber seen think the strata Compton was fucking go feeling to it is that it was missing that feeling but still get why is your character she played a big role site also yet they missed out a few people but in the mist at the scene where he spent on the infamous they were spent on the that I reportersand 40 guy I heard about 40 got was pop today are I hope he poster now John Singleton has a real spooky shit going onand I think it would be good if he he was journey get too deep with it was a better than big E movie the movie was more cinematic than this was I can’t say it was better though they were about equal now peace mode staffand how they betray the relationship between pocketand his mother that was dealt those were the two strongest characters meand I’m right just talk about the movieand I will talk about tomorrow to it yes but I it ways that those were the two strongest characters man they showed how strong the bond was between his mother how his mother was there form after she got cleanand he had some successand got her cleanand everythingand she was more clearheadedand help was there for Pokand warned him about certain things going on in that your target on his back as he was a black leader evaluate it was definitely was it’s definitely worth seeing Jay smooth definitely worsening is get Richard tried die trying a better movie better yes it is because think about it 50 was alive to tell the storyand they they was very cinematic good point that should I have the person who did two Nice Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White For Men and Women Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Is working great if we can have Jessica jelly even one being now nowand the make a Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White mistake the box office was pretty damn that you had a film open up to over hundred million dollars so while I I say that the display number 400and remember in order to start at decline with the last one as well so when when the film opens up over hundred million dollars only call that a bad opening that we can at the box officeand have much people watch Jessica Jones 30 million people to watch Jessica Jonesand 39 people did what Jessica Jones is not all 30 about to go to movie theaterand myself every week there’s something big going on a television or some other brand new videogame is being released or something there’s always some things I don’t really think that had probably had much of an impact somebody thing now is also think I’ll designer gone here in LA totally packed probably helped affect the box to globally delete any alleys to the final in Omahaand it is time to all 329 hours went right here baby I was busy being upset with you that I was gonna next as a lawyer now other than when I heard there were I don’t even know was officially greenlighted for it may have been a mistake in my mouth have it if it has special or have you heard any development isand that of yesterday think nobody interesting to have multiple well this is like you know a different point in his life to his mind on the Toyota is my vote goes to Kyle Chandler from Friday night lights make the best thing it was a Boz Lerman Elvis that there was no music musical numbers just shocking how totally unrelated I know but if you want to see a great Elvis please I know almost none of you watch it watch Bubba Hotel said writers gamble playing LDL this was still alive is that Elvis was still alive in an old age homeand nobody believes he’s Elvisand what is Elvis how do you know they told he has to fight an actual money you that is meeting on the residence of an old age home it’s amazing hanging hotel writableand you know it it monies are a real retirement homes on Did something about please watch Bubba Hotel from that from the is from the guy who made phantasm he was like look a need to make this movie called Bubba Hotel to try to do a SQL called Bubba not for you with rhino the guy put I never had made in writing was given the old age Elvis fighting I made now which is so importantand so we went upand asked me to reduce the convention was better security I mean there’s there’s what they do a lot of movie premieres now what I don’t like but it’s effective I yeah check your phones when you go in to what they just have a lot of these probe like a global premiers with these have a big table lined up as you’re going to theaterand wages you hand them your phone or if you with some you have the both your phones they put into a Ziploc bag with half of the ticket as numberand they get the other half the ticket to you so that when you come out you get your ticketand the LEO piece your ID in it so that this photo ID with the snow you can make off with your phonesand while it’s inconvenientand it’s been a pain yes it’s effectiveand if they really want to do 23 they didn’t do that they didn’t check phones at the 20 don’t think upand they did a great job of locking it down so other than checking phones better security inside more people monitoring the audience makes her know we split don’t let anybody walk in with a standalone camera actually probably make those check but other more personality only I can think of but we should really talk to me from Disney we some Disney people we should brothers acetate what did you do to increase yesterday remark your chart con this year security what you do to try to minimize the amount of your Isaiah do is I informed all my security staffand we all have a meeting which apparently they don’t do a comic on because every time I asked somebody iconic on who security had a different answer for me as the one I was allowed to do what I was allowed to fill the D 23 is a very uniform process I used to agree with you that you have to take yourself in the only cyclic footage but I had myself the 23 people had standalone cameras in the 23 no footage godly so all you have to do is step of your security or security program let everybody know what’s going on get them on the same page you guys still say Carl was in a suit staring at you you’re not gonna take out your phonesand it’s that easy have a degree of the the security of having you know people in the theater like both behindand in front just the scanning audience the entire time of whatever their screening after showing a three minute trailer believe me you’ll see it’s like bodies to do the all Union armies stand at attention one you just moves a little bit you’ll see it’s a semi lifting up a phoneand that light comes on than their your alluded the Natalie weird infrared threat you think US account to spy unlike see who has a phone lit up or something it’s a pretty present I can do is hire more people I was next to you by phone for now is not showing my wife maybe around seminary sold out found also the skill guys that’s awesome retreats like Phillyand Lego Lego movie close nothings latest it’s coming there’s a desire Lego sailor Lego Batman coming is really nothing latest report it’s there making it their animating it right now my advantage the next one in a series so what would you want to see after Batman could you do a Star Wars Lego movie is that all gospel why you not know is notand here’s why it’s not possible because of something that they’ve done which I don’t really think they can hold two they said everything now Lucas was pretty adamant about this everything now that comes out with a Star Wars label on it is can it so with Lego which is always kind ofand elsewhere playing around anything if Lucas wanted to stick to those gunsand everything that happens again would have to be a new original story that fits in the Canon thing is what Lego does building us way to do now is just always guys hanging out like a flashand hawk if you you see a Lego the force awakens videogame which would just like a movie trailers like the Lego version of the stars force awakens to the two hours making us keep up the grill awesome very good stuff I was next on well I don’t really celebrate American they seem to in Canadian but normally what I do is I usually go to my wife’s family’s place we hang out barbecueand eat me Ray Ryanand her family do that so that’s probably what was decreed budget was probably head over the theaters agreed to but but what he has thinks a tradition on my only real things giving Tricia to stay the hell out of the kitchen every time I walk through their nine people youngand to get the hell out or how a letterand I watched football all day long while I’ve I’ve made Thanksgiving dinners for people I’ve gone to people’s places for Thanksgiving dinner so usually it’s a site hanging out with friends eating a lot of food once in a while go see a movie usually don’t get on Thanksgiving it will goad you on Friday is Friday everybody has often like lazing about does watch a ton of TV is only just hang out at your house I also watch a football watch football next year I was sitting in the lines run every year for some unknown reason the one at Barry Sanders my guide made a three hour cylinder to funnel so much pain when I don’t do is a soul like weird shopping thing where people try to kill each other for clothes of a black Friday that if you will just get nutsand crazy so I design a watching videos of people to like that is very obtaining a recommend some of the media but know that this may not black Friday is not something that a distant cameo things in Canada now limits is so popular in the state we always had boxing day but they have to Christmas the day after Christmas that candles always the big’s the big shopping big sales day because after Christmasand nobody wants to buy everything is on massive sale on Boxing Dayand I mean my doubt of my dad we get like five the morning go somewhere get live gal the big boxing they said that made sense because Yost dropped their prices because Christmas now is over we spent their money to give people boxing gloves to fight over the goodies you bought your putting all your boxes away a day to be a nag was way too nice to have a get to be the crap had added have had as much to her questions are real which when she told me before that we had the same actions in question came in at the week or two ago it’s probably because I got to stand right in front of it at Lucasand was at Skywalker Ranch that totem from the beginning of Raiders lost our it takes that was awesome but probably in these wetand slippery be a problem that is a serious manager to undertake the Arcata covenant like my girlfriend at they were there to comment on like we have men working on since half men America shield Thor’s hammer the tomato any of the stuff is in a marvel universe of profit others if you guys a lot of your sick of looking at a marble exec is anywhere our last question of the day so line until the incredible that’s a great question the Lucky you you’re looking at a a director who when he did the incredible’s a lot of opportunities came openand with Brad Bird yell he guys up to his live action killed it with his mission impossible so much with tomorrowland although the blood a lot of very cool things a lot of potential into more wasn’t executed great on Pixar has kept themselves very busy with a lot of stuffand I really do think an incredible sushi to come out a long time ago that being said I’ve enjoyed with Bradford’s been doing with his career he makes a between animation live action coming back incredible now I was glad it’s happening so while I agree should come out four years ago totally happy that’s coming out about you getting any of the factories it takes our hand another 10 years they said were not doing sequels anything holds on the making of anything with an IRI fine will do you toys there is an IRA five will do finding that Doria right finally doing travel still why the incredible station in the next legal agreement is happy is going on. Com open release on December 20 January 18 the first ever hostile for hospitals this is a huge life of a cat mayand and Kathy Academyand is well comes that is every 20 seconds getting getting that award consideration Christian Bale rose a month like then foster West studios so great last of the Mohegan to the mass there we to see him back on screen I think this movie will expand the was a very emotional journey for all of the characters coming at this particular tail from very different angles house at all to play I like this trailer gave us Kennedy starting lineup of how everybody’s feeling about the situation the Christian Bale’s character has been tossed into but we don’t know how is to play out I hope that we don’t see any productive promotional material is to give away what the twistand turns his Plaza think there is can be a lot of reconciliationand is gonna be a lot of meeting of the mindsand and journeys of very personal nature here so this is one of the ones it can be on my list as far as Academy award consideration although they don’t let me go to yeah darkness this is a dark grim trailer it took me a minute to even get into watching it because I love slow brooding Westerns the mean if you are alive back then you would be like that site note in the you would be me if we switch to chains like I get to see the parallels with her running with the storyline so is it all star cast can’t buy this an opportunityand I love I love Christian you watch the trailer how did your family feel about you watching the trailer to the last together that’s one of the things people need to realize is that I work for these trailers mean that as a market was was just good news is I like 4 PM I got you with grocery shoppingand everything elseand I’m alive but this morning took my phone to if I miss watching my daughter dropped me about 50 times but I did finish itand I love it right away but by right away thought of 310 to Yuma because of the Christian Baleand foster relationship but then I did absolutely think about last weekand the second so mysterious about underrated performance by him is in heat my comments he laid on the Albertina’s partner in crime so I I love West dutyand I love that he’s gonna be in this film is movie does look darkand does the directory look at his past work you knowand ends another collaboration here’s Christian Bale they know each other well they work together well it some it’s stepping up like slowburn you can tell that for sure but signed me up on the to go going you potentially how they are going to the grocery storeand sit in the car for two minutesand two of the trailer there when you just by yourself I would rather do a carpal video on my dashboard then to actually work store to see Ashley second light I style hostile hostile summary stay with 30 minute I was in there now I feel I was eating hostile hostile sonic boy my own the boy white paper looks really yeah like I feel awful that the board sign Rosenman Pike talking about deathand how she wishes it would come to the Internet were already you is over I was a running time on this to me this could be one of those you know whatever the shooting of the guy by the Coward Robert Ford the way however the assassination of the great were so amazing really work so long I don’t care what you 44 hoursand me good movie I don’t care but slowburn exiting this huge difference might my problem with the murder on your express is that it started I could start up moneyand sort of a really move meand then it got slowand I’m assuming a slowburn aware like investing a boring boringand a slowburn slowburn is like where were leading up to something were getting involved with the help give it takes to three hours to get there that’s fine as long as I’m invested that this was I invested 30 minutes I don’t I don’t mind slowburn to build a just the trailer load builds that dark moodand then as you see the characters are intertwiningand burping at the same time the movie is like a every reflux both my grandparents for her on the 3R movies again spent two minutes but the trailer in the bathroom window in the basketball story that you will finally going to take out years guarantor nimbly elaborate from the movie everything I’ve not been determined currently serving steps for traffic world finding they’re currently right here sign many personae by mean it’s a seam same take before by the love Kung Skyland but I did love Kings of summer which he directed at himand so I think he’s a really great directorand I still think that is more than he canand I want to see it in overtime at that the screenwriter but I was comes the screenwriter I always have to give it really looks for this fileand director by directors awareness can be working with that particular scriptand he’s going to bring a script on South Jordan believes that this script is the one he wants this day wants to write the script themand by that I do believe in him as a directorand I think that can’t Skyland had a lot of problemsand I know that we normally do the judging of the last movie but I’m enough to give them all againand I’m essay that maybe this is the one that he he takes in the second one right Chevy look at his interestand out of you are aware think the dark the writer did go to Miami so that changes your viewpoint I haveand I think that you have called Skylandand I like that movie I really enjoyed watching it I met my issue with each snap was that you didn’t have a whole lot of back story with any of the characters with metal gear solid it is such a immense worldand people love this they love metal gear so the going to show up in full forceand they want a great movieand I can accept anything last Connolly also worked on Jurassic world safety not guaranteed he’s one of the guys who was rumored to be working or doing a treatment of episode nine I don’t think that still happening but I know that he was working addressing profound kingdom to so he’s got some big blockbuster experience writing these think if we can get a little more meat on the bone when it comes to meeting these know your solid characters as opposed as a giant active these I think that’s gonna attract new viewers as well as a hard core metal gear fence I think of case in point is that Jordan Voigt Roberts loves metal gear solid is a big fan you play the game so hearty so doing has relied on the taxesand or Sally had a lot of different game but the days working with the same writer I feel like I like can’t Skyland yes the humans got the short trip Capt. Joseph patron of the universal church pray for us back in the studio guys right she’ll follow See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White TO KINDA REALLY GET AN INSIDER’S VIEW OF WHAT’S GOING ON ESPECIALLY FROM COVER 19 NEXT IS WE KIND OF FEATURED AND OTHER VIDEO CHINESE NEUROLOGIST CLAIMS THE CCP CREATED THE WUHAN VIRUS A Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White CRIME ERA THAT FELT SHE AND THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ARE COVERING FOR CHINA SO SHE ACTUALLY BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON DEFTLY THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND THE CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY AND THEIR CONNECTIONS WITHOUT NEXT IS FACT CHECKING FATTY SO WE REALLY WANTED TO INCLUDE DONE INCLUDE THAT AND ALSO A CARTOON THAT GOES WITH IT REALLY LAYS OUT JUST EXACTLY WHAT THE TRUTH IS WHAT THE FACTS ARE AS DEFTLY WHAT HE SAID OR STATED THE NEXT IS THE FIRST NEWS THE DEEP STATE MAINSTREAM MEDIUM BIG PHARMA’S WORST NIGHTMARE IS AN AWOKEN HUMANITY AND HYDROCHLORIC. We can do a lot of are like about actually though I plan to practice on the to my father the leg is inand you will okay just in the district there I know will jiggle 70 mm nine amendments to make mention of Bob in a little late. Well it’s good everybody so I wentand saw the movie this morning I started to pack all eyes on the movie on it was pretty good you know what you know you see 50 San Jay to take it out here in Canada bashing parts of the movie but the movie was pretty you know what I like they touched on everything in that in the bed the whole timeline to back the only thing I was disappointed about about the movie is that it didn’t go totally in depth with everything but I totally recommend you see the movie case there’s no way I can describe it to you in a way where you can experience it anyway so don’t worry about business for ARS we all know what happened but then the movies I can’t spoil anything for you I can spoil one thing for you we can see here when he seen it or not you have to see it for yourself now but I ate it all the day saying a lot was I now most of it is like everything in the movie they did fact check it with things like I even thought thatand there’s no way spoil the movie for you because you have to experience it if you ever looked at two boxlike you’ve kind of seen the movie you just haven’t seen the way they I could pick up the movies don’t worry about me spoiling the movie for you I there’s no way swell if you are not going to total detail everything but they didn’t get into detail with certain parts of the movie like you know like how we got famous stuff I can skip over that by narrating it with a channel interview that he didn’t they just reenacted a channel interview he did we’ve all seen this interview it’s a kind facility video I think an hour long him just talking we are seen as you know South I just think can escape through the beginning of his life just shelf it basically a Wikipedia of his life on antibiotics cutely oneand to go a little deeper into things that you didn’t know aboutand everything in the movie we ran about so you’re just kinda seen that movie for missing Wikipedia in movie form is nothing wrong with that I think on only the only part I was disappointed me was a few characters they chose on the showand I character was dealt below the good ones should character was amazing began place to back is amazing is very good on I just didn’t like the Snoop Dogg character I thought that way sad I can look or feel like Snoop Dogg certain things get the feeling off but I it was I to get moving get check it out on I think it’s impossible to contact his whole life in two hours salute that boy young saluteand Gigi Mayo did a good job may not do a good joband not course Grady did a good job rabies as he did a great job he played a perfectly but yeah man I goes like this dollars yeah I was a great topic know how would now like you might not like it tell you right case they would wanted to go he would probably wanted to go deeper into his life but I think I think you should go see the movie event because I cannot support things like this in the culture anyways okay so in the end this is good I’m not telling you anything bad it wasn’t a bad movie is a good movie on I would tell you it was trash out with actually I was satisfied when I leftand you know you don’t see that movie or as satisfied I got paid my my saga good movie actually bought three tickets are why why do you know what I wanted to go so I buy three different tickets so I ended up spending 21 see the movie way it’s good I you guys go see it that boy in Michigan in early dealing I went at 10 AM yeah definitely also lucky organized you can be happy sought that because it’s two hours of gray filmmaking okay there might be a few characters that didn’t like to take the characters we know in real life like Snoop Dogg okay you’re stilland enjoy the movie hundred percent pay they show every day showing illness too much they just don’t going total depth of the do you go in the just theater now I didn’t I went to ANSI I nomad Johnson had here in Atlanta check that out there’s also a Cindy bistro but I went to ANSI the reclining seats not taking pop wouldn’t go see Gigi are now I mean you know I think there needs to be another tube I think there needs to be a longer Tupac because his life he can’t I still can’t believe he was only 25and did all the things he didn’t like this guy like let’s bring up the staff said I how many movies is to I think he was in seven movies he was an 11 movies 11 movies how many how did the any reported 12345677 now moansand then seven was while he was aliveand then after his death wine 234 5678 910 like her 11 hours after his death I think even more than maybe 12 that’s crazy because think about it most people can’t do that their whole life he didn’t like years as crazy as first argument 119 91 Tupac Now that’s crazy man so he he was really like active active like six years six years man that’s crazy man in a day show everything him even wanting to kinda get off death row that the way he died way to add a problem with some crib members right before he died think they can show everything generally leads to much outmanned so as for everyone to play now appreciate you bro appreciationand salute on the Yogi banks was good so Tupac was pretty amazing brought me to do all that in such a short amount of time that’s crazy when you think about that Mandy that no one is ever to be like pot I hate it when people compare themselves to talk like even Wyattand Lucci dropped something today saying something pot did know you near Pac Man you can’t be out for two yearsand compare yourself to talk I’m sorry man I’m sorry if you a bad fogand 10 movies if you been an 11 moviesand you haven’t done seven our homes within five years get I hearand also yet deftly watch the movie the least two hours two hoursand 20 minutes pretty long but doesn’t feel that cuts like you going through that timeline talks deftly the greatest just product the jaded JPEGand said her character was a bunch of lies they put in what the movie guys okay there was they had to establish that jaded taking Tupac had a special relationship that was deeper than just being friends it was a soul sold their souls match strikeand I was the only way they can kinda show that in a short amount of time so they had to show interaction with him in jail that was really deep in the back to embellish a little bit go totally crazy with itand show jaded Tupac in effect seen Ernie think she even said their relationship was deeper than sex they never had sex it was deeper than sex because they it was a mental bondand she said you only get one of those friendships your whole life nowand I you know that they did for the movie I don’t think the antibiotics aren’t always exactly hundred percent okay but you know are now meant JT never was going to leave death row JT yes he was actually Wendy day who was friends with talk he was leaving death row he just couldn’t get off because they worry that he would have to get lawyersand everything to Gaffney was in the process of doing honestly the last three months he was trying to get his paperwork right to get off the death row but you don’t just tell himand walk away like Dr Dre did it savage life but he had moneyand he started a labeland Dr Dre produced his own shared everything so he didn’t need anybody Tupac had to doingand awake is the way he he was on pal from death row it they were buying a house everything he was too tightand it was it would take him a few months to on ravel from death row on my arm to come out soon is joking to Jordan for retro shot tomorrow okay cool I think the movie was asked it was just it was good you can okay I’m not I’ll think so afraid I the movie was okay it wasn’t trash it was good I think it was good I thinkand encourage everybody to go see it it wasn’t the best bioticand fiber seen think the strata Compton was fucking go feeling to it is that it was missing that feeling but still get why is your character she played a big role site also yet they missed out a few people but in the mist at the scene where he spent on the infamous they were spent on the that I reportersand 40 guy I heard about 40 got was pop today are I hope he poster now John Singleton has a real spooky shit going onand I think it would be good if he he was journey get too deep with it was a better than big E movie the movie was more cinematic than this was I can’t say it was better though they were about equal now peace mode staffand how they betray the relationship between pocketand his mother that was dealt those were the two strongest characters meand I’m right just talk about the movieand I will talk about tomorrow to it yes but I it ways that those were the two strongest characters man they showed how strong the bond was between his mother how his mother was there form after she got cleanand he had some successand got her cleanand everythingand she was more clearheadedand help was there for Pokand warned him about certain things going on in that your target on his back as he was a black leader evaluate it was definitely was it’s definitely worth seeing Jay smooth definitely worsening is get Richard tried die trying a better movie better yes it is because think about it 50 was alive to tell the storyand they they was very cinematic good point that should I have the person who did two Nice Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White For Men and Women Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Is working great if we can have Jessica jelly even one being now nowand the make a Material Handler I Have Been Social Distancing For Years Tee Shirts White mistake the box office was pretty damn that you had a film open up to over hundred million dollars so while I I say that the display number 400and remember in order to start at decline with the last one as well so when when the film opens up over hundred million dollars only call that a bad opening that we can at the box officeand have much people watch Jessica Jones 30 million people to watch Jessica Jonesand 39 people did what Jessica Jones is not all 30 about to go to movie theaterand myself every week there’s something big going on a television or some other brand new videogame is being released or something there’s always some things I don’t really think that had probably had much of an impact somebody thing now is also think I’ll designer gone here in LA totally packed probably helped affect the box to globally delete any alleys to the final in Omahaand it is time to all 329 hours went right here baby I was busy being upset with you that I was gonna next as a lawyer now other than when I heard there were I don’t even know was officially greenlighted for it may have been a mistake in my mouth have it if it has special or have you heard any development isand that of yesterday think nobody interesting to have multiple well this is like you know a different point in his life to his mind on the Toyota is my vote goes to Kyle Chandler from Friday night lights make the best thing it was a Boz Lerman Elvis that there was no music musical numbers just shocking how totally unrelated I know but if you want to see a great Elvis please I know almost none of you watch it watch Bubba Hotel said writers gamble playing LDL this was still alive is that Elvis was still alive in an old age homeand nobody believes he’s Elvisand what is Elvis how do you know they told he has to fight an actual money you that is meeting on the residence of an old age home it’s amazing hanging hotel writableand you know it it monies are a real retirement homes on Did something about please watch Bubba Hotel from that from the is from the guy who made phantasm he was like look a need to make this movie called Bubba Hotel to try to do a SQL called Bubba not for you with rhino the guy put I never had made in writing was given the old age Elvis fighting I made now which is so importantand so we went upand asked me to reduce the convention was better security I mean there’s there’s what they do a lot of movie premieres now what I don’t like but it’s effective I yeah check your phones when you go in to what they just have a lot of these probe like a global premiers with these have a big table lined up as you’re going to theaterand wages you hand them your phone or if you with some you have the both your phones they put into a Ziploc bag with half of the ticket as numberand they get the other half the ticket to you so that when you come out you get your ticketand the LEO piece your ID in it so that this photo ID with the snow you can make off with your phonesand while it’s inconvenientand it’s been a pain yes it’s effectiveand if they really want to do 23 they didn’t do that they didn’t check phones at the 20 don’t think upand they did a great job of locking it down so other than checking phones better security inside more people monitoring the audience makes her know we split don’t let anybody walk in with a standalone camera actually probably make those check but other more personality only I can think of but we should really talk to me from Disney we some Disney people we should brothers acetate what did you do to increase yesterday remark your chart con this year security what you do to try to minimize the amount of your Isaiah do is I informed all my security staffand we all have a meeting which apparently they don’t do a comic on because every time I asked somebody iconic on who security had a different answer for me as the one I was allowed to do what I was allowed to fill the D 23 is a very uniform process I used to agree with you that you have to take yourself in the only cyclic footage but I had myself the 23 people had standalone cameras in the 23 no footage godly so all you have to do is step of your security or security program let everybody know what’s going on get them on the same page you guys still say Carl was in a suit staring at you you’re not gonna take out your phonesand it’s that easy have a degree of the the security of having you know people in the theater like both behindand in front just the scanning audience the entire time of whatever their screening after showing a three minute trailer believe me you’ll see it’s like bodies to do the all Union armies stand at attention one you just moves a little bit you’ll see it’s a semi lifting up a phoneand that light comes on than their your alluded the Natalie weird infrared threat you think US account to spy unlike see who has a phone lit up or something it’s a pretty present I can do is hire more people I was next to you by phone for now is not showing my wife maybe around seminary sold out found also the skill guys that’s awesome retreats like Phillyand Lego Lego movie close nothings latest it’s coming there’s a desire Lego sailor Lego Batman coming is really nothing latest report it’s there making it their animating it right now my advantage the next one in a series so what would you want to see after Batman could you do a Star Wars Lego movie is that all gospel why you not know is notand here’s why it’s not possible because of something that they’ve done which I don’t really think they can hold two they said everything now Lucas was pretty adamant about this everything now that comes out with a Star Wars label on it is can it so with Lego which is always kind ofand elsewhere playing around anything if Lucas wanted to stick to those gunsand everything that happens again would have to be a new original story that fits in the Canon thing is what Lego does building us way to do now is just always guys hanging out like a flashand hawk if you you see a Lego the force awakens videogame which would just like a movie trailers like the Lego version of the stars force awakens to the two hours making us keep up the grill awesome very good stuff I was next on well I don’t really celebrate American they seem to in Canadian but normally what I do is I usually go to my wife’s family’s place we hang out barbecueand eat me Ray Ryanand her family do that so that’s probably what was decreed budget was probably head over the theaters agreed to but but what he has thinks a tradition on my only real things giving Tricia to stay the hell out of the kitchen every time I walk through their nine people youngand to get the hell out or how a letterand I watched football all day long while I’ve I’ve made Thanksgiving dinners for people I’ve gone to people’s places for Thanksgiving dinner so usually it’s a site hanging out with friends eating a lot of food once in a while go see a movie usually don’t get on Thanksgiving it will goad you on Friday is Friday everybody has often like lazing about does watch a ton of TV is only just hang out at your house I also watch a football watch football next year I was sitting in the lines run every year for some unknown reason the one at Barry Sanders my guide made a three hour cylinder to funnel so much pain when I don’t do is a soul like weird shopping thing where people try to kill each other for clothes of a black Friday that if you will just get nutsand crazy so I design a watching videos of people to like that is very obtaining a recommend some of the media but know that this may not black Friday is not something that a distant cameo things in Canada now limits is so popular in the state we always had boxing day but they have to Christmas the day after Christmas that candles always the big’s the big shopping big sales day because after Christmasand nobody wants to buy everything is on massive sale on Boxing Dayand I mean my doubt of my dad we get like five the morning go somewhere get live gal the big boxing they said that made sense because Yost dropped their prices because Christmas now is over we spent their money to give people boxing gloves to fight over the goodies you bought your putting all your boxes away a day to be a nag was way too nice to have a get to be the crap had added have had as much to her questions are real which when she told me before that we had the same actions in question came in at the week or two ago it’s probably because I got to stand right in front of it at Lucasand was at Skywalker Ranch that totem from the beginning of Raiders lost our it takes that was awesome but probably in these wetand slippery be a problem that is a serious manager to undertake the Arcata covenant like my girlfriend at they were there to comment on like we have men working on since half men America shield Thor’s hammer the tomato any of the stuff is in a marvel universe of profit others if you guys a lot of your sick of looking at a marble exec is anywhere our last question of the day so line until the incredible that’s a great question the Lucky you you’re looking at a a director who when he did the incredible’s a lot of opportunities came openand with Brad Bird yell he guys up to his live action killed it with his mission impossible so much with tomorrowland although the blood a lot of very cool things a lot of potential into more wasn’t executed great on Pixar has kept themselves very busy with a lot of stuffand I really do think an incredible sushi to come out a long time ago that being said I’ve enjoyed with Bradford’s been doing with his career he makes a between animation live action coming back incredible now I was glad it’s happening so while I agree should come out four years ago totally happy that’s coming out about you getting any of the factories it takes our hand another 10 years they said were not doing sequels anything holds on the making of anything with an IRI fine will do you toys there is an IRA five will do finding that Doria right finally doing travel still why the incredible station in the next legal agreement is happy is going on. Com open release on December 20 January 18 the first ever hostile for hospitals this is a huge life of a cat mayand and Kathy Academyand is well comes that is every 20 seconds getting getting that award consideration Christian Bale rose a month like then foster West studios so great last of the Mohegan to the mass there we to see him back on screen I think this movie will expand the was a very emotional journey for all of the characters coming at this particular tail from very different angles house at all to play I like this trailer gave us Kennedy starting lineup of how everybody’s feeling about the situation the Christian Bale’s character has been tossed into but we don’t know how is to play out I hope that we don’t see any productive promotional material is to give away what the twistand turns his Plaza think there is can be a lot of reconciliationand is gonna be a lot of meeting of the mindsand and journeys of very personal nature here so this is one of the ones it can be on my list as far as Academy award consideration although they don’t let me go to yeah darkness this is a dark grim trailer it took me a minute to even get into watching it because I love slow brooding Westerns the mean if you are alive back then you would be like that site note in the you would be me if we switch to chains like I get to see the parallels with her running with the storyline so is it all star cast can’t buy this an opportunityand I love I love Christian you watch the trailer how did your family feel about you watching the trailer to the last together that’s one of the things people need to realize is that I work for these trailers mean that as a market was was just good news is I like 4 PM I got you with grocery shoppingand everything elseand I’m alive but this morning took my phone to if I miss watching my daughter dropped me about 50 times but I did finish itand I love it right away but by right away thought of 310 to Yuma because of the Christian Baleand foster relationship but then I did absolutely think about last weekand the second so mysterious about underrated performance by him is in heat my comments he laid on the Albertina’s partner in crime so I I love West dutyand I love that he’s gonna be in this film is movie does look darkand does the directory look at his past work you knowand ends another collaboration here’s Christian Bale they know each other well they work together well it some it’s stepping up like slowburn you can tell that for sure but signed me up on the to go going you potentially how they are going to the grocery storeand sit in the car for two minutesand two of the trailer there when you just by yourself I would rather do a carpal video on my dashboard then to actually work store to see Ashley second light I style hostile hostile summary stay with 30 minute I was in there now I feel I was eating hostile hostile sonic boy my own the boy white paper looks really yeah like I feel awful that the board sign Rosenman Pike talking about deathand how she wishes it would come to the Internet were already you is over I was a running time on this to me this could be one of those you know whatever the shooting of the guy by the Coward Robert Ford the way however the assassination of the great were so amazing really work so long I don’t care what you 44 hoursand me good movie I don’t care but slowburn exiting this huge difference might my problem with the murder on your express is that it started I could start up moneyand sort of a really move meand then it got slowand I’m assuming a slowburn aware like investing a boring boringand a slowburn slowburn is like where were leading up to something were getting involved with the help give it takes to three hours to get there that’s fine as long as I’m invested that this was I invested 30 minutes I don’t I don’t mind slowburn to build a just the trailer load builds that dark moodand then as you see the characters are intertwiningand burping at the same time the movie is like a every reflux both my grandparents for her on the 3R movies again spent two minutes but the trailer in the bathroom window in the basketball story that you will finally going to take out years guarantor nimbly elaborate from the movie everything I’ve not been determined currently serving steps for traffic world finding they’re currently right here sign many personae by mean it’s a seam same take before by the love Kung Skyland but I did love Kings of summer which he directed at himand so I think he’s a really great directorand I still think that is more than he canand I want to see it in overtime at that the screenwriter but I was comes the screenwriter I always have to give it really looks for this fileand director by directors awareness can be working with that particular scriptand he’s going to bring a script on South Jordan believes that this script is the one he wants this day wants to write the script themand by that I do believe in him as a directorand I think that can’t Skyland had a lot of problemsand I know that we normally do the judging of the last movie but I’m enough to give them all againand I’m essay that maybe this is the one that he he takes in the second one right Chevy look at his interestand out of you are aware think the dark the writer did go to Miami so that changes your viewpoint I haveand I think that you have called Skylandand I like that movie I really enjoyed watching it I met my issue with each snap was that you didn’t have a whole lot of back story with any of the characters with metal gear solid it is such a immense worldand people love this they love metal gear so the going to show up in full forceand they want a great movieand I can accept anything last Connolly also worked on Jurassic world safety not guaranteed he’s one of the guys who was rumored to be working or doing a treatment of episode nine I don’t think that still happening but I know that he was working addressing profound kingdom to so he’s got some big blockbuster experience writing these think if we can get a little more meat on the bone when it comes to meeting these know your solid characters as opposed as a giant active these I think that’s gonna attract new viewers as well as a hard core metal gear fence I think of case in point is that Jordan Voigt Roberts loves metal gear solid is a big fan you play the game so hearty so doing has relied on the taxesand or Sally had a lot of different game but the days working with the same writer I feel like I like can’t Skyland yes the humans got the short trip Capt. Joseph patron of the universal church pray for us back in the studio guys right she’ll follow See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks

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