Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Home Is Where You Put Your Flamingos Camping T-Shirt

These I didn’t callthem excuses it would be a Home Is Where You Put Your Flamingos Camping T-Shirt to do listmmm I have to finish folding laundry Ihave to make my cup of coffee I need tohave a cup of water I needed to do thisand that and this and this and then oncethese 15 items are done then I’ll beable to start writing well of course I’dend up getting the number thirteen orfourteen two or three hours later and Ididn’t have time for writing well mytime is upguess I’ll get to this tomorrow and thething about you know putting off to someday some day never come some day isalways just around the bend and so Irealized I need to start doing it todaynot some day turns some day into todayand it didn’t matter the tools I had youhave the tools necessary to startcreating something meaningful if youhave a phone you can start recording apodcast if you can buy it even we havethis microphone here in front of us it’syou know 100 microphone that we gotyeah it allows us to record podcasts ourfriend Rob Bell started his podcast theRob cast he borrowed his son’s dentedmicrophone and. At me with this look like youguys and that that’s what I knew like ohmy goodness there are I don’t know howmany people were there that night 300yeah hundreds of peoplejust snaked around the stairwell andaround the building and so we not onlyhad to do a double header but we had tofind like us up to that point like Ithink that was our biggest Oh without adoubt without a doubt and they weregrowing before then but like it sort ofgrew exponentially and then from thereyou know it continued to grow but westarted doing this when there were twopeople showing up so I remember inVienna Knoxville the fourth tour stop weever did your home your birth city Ishould say we showed up no one was thereit’s his coffee you’re getting ready toleave yeah we were walking out the doorhey you guys are the minimum lesson Iwas so I’m like yes we are yeah and itwas just a couple and it was one of thebest conversations we ever had was a guywho had lost he fasted for forty days hehad lost hundreds of pounds in doingthat and he was talking about howminimalism. Or sporting event asooh anything like that and then youcould just send them a picture of yourchild at the event or whatever and thatwill you know make them feel good aboutgetting them an experience versusgetting them a physical toy because itcan be awkward for grandparents to makethat transition and a friend of mine wasactually saying that she has her childdonate a toy every time she gets a newone so that’s kind of another option youhave to do what works best for your ownchild in your own family my name isLindsay I’m from Pottsville Pennsylvaniaand I’m calling about your episode ongift giving because I had a response toit I love your ideas about givingexperiences taking people to events andthings like that and I have a little bitmore to add to that I am a single personwho lives at home and I have no childrenbut I have a lot of friends who aremarried and have kids and sometimesgiving them tickets or gift certificatesor things like that to events andexperiences can become a little bitburdensome because you know like one

Source: Home Is Where You Put Your Flamingos Camping T-Shirt

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Home Is Where You Put Your Flamingos Camping T-Shirt
Home Is Where You Put Your Flamingos Camping T-Shirt

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28 or 29 and went ice skatingfor the first time as an adult I’ve gonea couple times a Home Is Where You Put Your Flamingos Camping T-Shirt kid and almost killedmyself several times so you won’t see meice skating but I at least tried it soyou can try new traditions as well so itcould be Christmas movies so Ryanmentioned the cheesy Christmas music butwhen I think of this time of year intraditions quite often I think of allthe the nostalgic Christmas movies thatI saw from the pathos or you could watchnew Christmas movies as well you know infact one of the traditions I had for avery long time and may even bring itback was I would go to the movies onChristmas Day after all of the shufflingaround so when I was married we’d gofrom it was not the most optimalexperience we’d like go from from myhouse we’d have Christmas I don’t it wasa brunch I don’t know what it wasChristmas brunch and then we’d haveChristmas lunch and then we’d haveChristmas post lunch celebration atCarey’s family and you know we’d go to 3or 4 places on Christmas Day butafterward once all the chaos. Yeahand you know this one point where Irealize that it let’s say I had tenthousand just in case items I washolding on to and somehow they were likenicely neatly organized and I was ableto justify them somehow at the end ofthe day there are an exponential amountof other items I don’t have that I mightneed in some non existentor existence you know hypotheticalfuture and it’s it’s uh it’s reallyreally o destabilizing when you hold onto all those things I just remember junkdrawers full of stuff so it wasn’t wellorganized but I had Junkers and allthese just in case items and you knowgoing back to the point in that questionthat Sean just threw at us with theitems that you hold on to in caseanother item breaks so let’s just dothis with like a USB cable for example Iused to have like drawers fully USBcables just in case I needed them now ifI was to hold on just one USB cable andlet’s say it broke and I’m like oh man Ireally wish I had that old USB cablethere’s probably a better model there’sprobably a better quality product. Morning I log onto give well org and they have
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