Friday, December 18, 2020

Take A Walk To The Wild Side T Shirt

With him and I waslike yeah you know like I really want toget healthier and yeah I’m to thinkabout doing this juice fast like he’s aI think I’d have done juice fast beforethat but the longest juice fast I haveever been on it was because of stan likehe challenged me for ten days um we wewere there to like support each other iwas going I was looking at our text theother day I don’t know why they came upbut uh but I was looking just kind oflike reminiscing um conversations we hadand I was just like going through thatthat stint of where we were on thatjuice fast how like if it was not forstaying I don’t think I would have madestaying I don’t think I would have madeit ten days yeah you know yeah man it’suh I think about so he died he had aheart attack at age 36 and he was a Take A Walk To The Wild Side T Shirt bigguy NFL linebacker size guy and he hadheart problems even though and he wasliving a very healthy life when you getidea I mean it was point of the Jewsfats like he was going out of his way tolike exercise and like eat healthy hedid another juice. Venue therethey worked in the same building theybooked this co working space that maybefit 80 people and we could probably weknew we could cram a hundred hundred andtwenty people into the space and theproblem is we show up and there’sanother event going on there that nightand there’s this line out the door forthis other event and I’m like what is itour concert going on here or somethingand like okay where’s Erica like none ofour people are gonna be able to getanywhere with anticipating 60 80 maybeeven 100 people are gonna show up tothis and they’re gonna think they’re atthe wrong place because they’re at thisother event and so there’s this line outthe door and a line up five flights ofstairs to get to the top of where thisco working space is and we’re walkingthrough it and and finally I’m walkingthrough all this crowd I look at atMelissa and I’m like hey what is thiswhat is this line here what why are allthese people here what other event isgoing on tonight why we scheduled thisthe same night as our event and shelooks. Was teaching me at the sametime and when you got that yen in theyang were you’re both learning andyou’re both teaching it it just feels itfeels amazing and I’m so sad to see himgone I still think about him all thetime and I wish she was back here but Ican tell you this I look at his life asa template for for loving my own in away and realizing that my god we’re allgoing to die we’re going to go and andthe question is can live my best liferight now with all the troubles I havethe health issues I have with with anyof the issues that we have on our lifecan we embrace the life for what it isthe life that we have and live that bestversion of it because eventually will begone all together no matter what youleave believe in about you know theafterlife or whatever this life is isgoing to be gone and so can we make thebest of it while we’re here yeah whatthings is the best one of the best wayswe can honor Stan yeah is sharedmemories like this I’m really glad thatwe decided to do this yeah me too so IthinkI was a probably

Source: Take A Walk To The Wild Side T Shirt

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Someinteresting new things into our platformand those interesting things requiremoney and that’s where you come in wouldyou be willing to be part of the 1 wewant you to be part of the 1 and what Imean by that is the 1 of our audiencewho helps us create something meaningfuland helps keep our podcasts 100 advertisement free if so head on over topatreon comm slash the minimalists andbecome a Take A Walk To The Wild Side T Shirt patron today you can contributeany amount you want and if youcontribute two dollars or more perpodcast episode you will have access toan exclusive monthly live stream whereyou’ll be able to ask questions andinteract with the minimalists and youcan even watch the video after it airswhich is especially nice if you if youmiss that live broadcast and it’s onlyour patreon supporters who will haveaccess to this exclusive monthly livestream thanks for helping us createsomething meaningful y’all we appreciateitall right back to right here right nowitem number two second Ryan and I arealways looking for creative ways tocontribute to the. We goI would say first pass no I’m kiddingI think how to say this pithy well I’veactually I won’t because I think it’sgonna take longer for me to think of apithy answers and just give the longanswer um you got a deal with the hoardof clutter digital clutter you haveright now simple is not easyunfortunately and we confuse simple witheasy a lot so you’ve got to set the timeaside and handle the hoard that you haveright now if digital clutter and thenyou have to curate really really wellmoving forward that’s I mean that’s wellyou don’t have to do anything that’swhat I do that’s what I had to gothrough and now when I do that picturedumpI like delete as many in this picturesas I can before I dump them cuz likeI’ll tell you to take four pictures ofone thing you’re like wow I need thebest picture I took four pictures so Icould choose the best picture I’m notgonna put all four of those on mycomputer yeah you’ll never reach the endof the Internet so stop tryingit could happen yeah it could again andthen yeah and then when. Are now onsale which means our audience gets thebest access use code minimal okay hereit is we are going we’re starting thetour in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania wehaven’t been there since 2014 we ofcourse he’s up there I think that wasour exact midpoint was PittsburghPennsylvania was the midpoint of thatcrazy hundred city tour we did back in2014 really love Pittsburgh man yeah Ido too it reminds me a lot of Cincinnatieven though I know their football teamshate each other well it’s funny cuz Iwas gonna say like it took me forever tolike actually love Pittsburgh uh huhlike we would go there to see someconcerts when we work together right andthen went there on tour I think thefirst time we went was 2011 yeah it wasand I think that was the first time Iwas like dude Pittsburgh doesn’t suckjust because you hate the Steelers putthat in context you’re CincinnatiBengals fan yeah which is which is theonly worse football team to be a fan ofis the bills which I am also a fan ofyeah ha so so I’m not like bragging onthe Bengals by
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