Thursday, December 10, 2020

Fa La La La May Your Christmas Be A Little Bit Alexis Ugly T Shirt

It was great and screen thedocumentary we did a Fa La La La May Your Christmas Be A Little Bit Alexis Ugly T Shirt live version of ourpodcast and some of those cities whichyou can go back and listen to in ourpodcast feed and now this year 2017we’ve got two legs of the tour for NorthAmerica and if all that goes well wehope to to make it overseas as well anyclosing thoughts here Ryan about aboutthe touranything else you’re looking forward tois there a city you’re looking forwardto the most is there a city ordisabilitymake it two up sir rolls man thatlobster I’m looking for lobster rollMassachusetts yes my favorite city noman uh what’s the most important what’sthe one thing that you bring on tourthat’s the most important to you oh yeahyeah my hairdryer yeahbut actually so in the documentary I’vehad so many people ask about what’s thebag that you use and we talked aboutthis in a previous podcastit’s a Malcolm font II a bag it’s nolonger made some in the documentary wehave a little segment document orpacking like the minimalists you can seea longer version of that video on ouryoutube. Ryan we learned whatand that eventually made it into ourbook everything that remains it becausewe would tell go out on the road and sojust start talking to people all thesestories and the things that reallyresonated like the packing party or mymother is dealing with her sentimentalitems for me at first those were justsort of afterthought so that’s in thepast let’s just talk aboutintentionality let’s talk aboutdecluttering or whatever but it will isdecluttering or whatever but it will isknow was like these are true storiesthat people resonateand so a lot of those stories made itinto everything that remains and Iwouldn’t have known that had we not goneout on those tours tour stops with twoto twelve people showing up and allowedus to have deeper conversations andthat’s why in fact with all these eventswe’re doing the VIP events beforehandwe’re just a few dozen people will havewill have access to those people and wecan have more intimate conversationswith them as opposed to doing so I’llgive you an example let’s say. Learned through this journeytoo is like there isn’t just one passionthat one of us were born with you know Iwasn’t born to be a snowboarder Joshwasn’t born to be a writer but those arethings that you know we both haveinterest in and and really cultivatingthose interests like putting in the workthat’s really how you create a passionit’s it’s after you put the work into todo whatever that passion is so you knowI might wake up one day I’m sure I willeventually all I was gonna say I wouldwake up one day like you know 60 and I’mgonna be like oh man my back hurts waytoo bad for me to go snowboardinganymore but my partner Mariah her fatheris just turned 60 this year and he willstill beat me down the hill on on skisso I will use that as inspiration thatnot quit when I’m 60 for me it’sdefinitely riding I mean I love wordsand I like words there’s so many ofthem do I got this book the other daythat’s called a dictionary you wouldn’tbelieve it man it’s all the words oh mygoodnessno I I really do I mean just the act ofcomposition you

Source: Fa La La La May Your Christmas Be A Little Bit Alexis Ugly T Shirt

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Fa La La La May Your Christmas Be A Little Bit Alexis Ugly T Shirt
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I haveto I have to like it’s it’s it’s kind ofreally gives me a Fa La La La May Your Christmas Be A Little Bit Alexis Ugly T Shirt lot of anxietythinking about what I know it’s gonnainevitably happen in the next few yearsand I’ll probably hold on to that Steinbut you know at the end of the day it isuseful so the first thing I would say islike dude if this stuff that your dadhas if it is useful in a certain waythen you know throwing away a familyheirloom it’s not gonna bring you joy atall I mean it’s it’s or I should saythrowing away family Andrew doesn’tguarantee that it’s gonna bring you joyso if it’s useful then keep it manpeople all the time like in thedocumentary I don’t if you saw that butpeople they come up to us all the time Imentioned where they’re like hey man Igot this library that I love I love tosmell my books and I love my books outto my my friends and they they read themwe talk about them and I just I can’t beminimalist because of my my life mylibrary books I’m like keep your bookssounds like you get a lot of value outof it so that’s what it comes down toit’s like. Crowdsgot larger it became harder and harderfor you and I to book the you and me tobook the venues oh yeah it came to overholiday happiness torn I rememberbookingthat was 27 2012 yeah so like that waslike that was my first taste of oh wowlike when you know that more than sixpeople are gonna show up yeahyou’ve got to book these menus and it’sdifficult to find a bookstore that canhold you know 70 you know 150 people andthen we went out 2014 again booked atourselves between you me and we you knowhad the help of a couple other people wefinally got everything booked but eventhen it was like the Indianapolisexperience where 500 people showed upit’s pouring down rain they’re waitingin line and the venue could hold 60people right so a double header wouldn’thave even have done it for that stop solike yeah that was a huge huge learningfor us and now we have Andrew who islike our saving grace with with bookingwhat and he’s got the the experience wewere just kind of we were waiting we’reamateurs it worked for the time but. During thepre sale let’s see after the holidayhappiness tour in 2012 Ryan we did 2013we did two very very small tours likemicro toursdo you remember these we did spring intominimalism which was like six cities andwe were driving down South by Southwestwith me you and Colin was with us yeahyeah okay so we did Denver and we didwhat else did we do besides Boston wedid Houston we did what yeah yeah yeahAustin Houston Dallas even right yeahmaybe yeah I remember because we staywith the family and Fort Worth okay yeahand then we the thing nellis there wasMissoula we did Missoula six cities andthat was just a short tour we did withColin hopefully we get we can drag Colinaround for one or two of these thesetour stops that helped and we’ll havesome surprise guest at some of these aswell I’m gonna be reaching out to somefolks who we may have as a super secretsurprise guest and we won’t reveal ituntil the day they show up and maybe usesome musical actthat was one thing I really like fromthe 2014 tour we had some people on
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