Thursday, October 29, 2020

I'm A Mom And School Administrator Nothing Scares Me Floral Mother Gift T Shirt

There to wake up and there have woke moment will give me and I also this lesson seven days we went to our 10 days of hell yeah were on trial can that’s why they won’t allow the programmer to come in there to take over all are just there just a I'm A Mom And School Administrator Nothing Scares Me Floral Mother Gift T Shirt peaceful protest and B things good things will be Dori Oregon to get his income by yeah that’s why the mayor poorly got ran out of his own bag on his condo you don’t 80 is nonstandard that’s okay you reap what you sow all you want them in the right in your neighborhoods you underwriting your city well get exactly what you got and now the Democrats Nancy closely she will bring the decoded relief packet to the table to vote on why because Donald Holmes is a widow she’s asking for ID close to 4 trillion for Kobe really don’t also argue 4 trillion in only 4 trillion if you look at that bill and look it up online there’s lot with a call in their and basically all that money is the bill out all the Democratic cities and states won’t bankruptcy for COBIT so she wants us. It’ll be good for quick is now back to the probably 10 so about a supplemental on the love that was another one I will so I cannot swap out the bow to the house or 11 the bill if I do or you no matter what you want. Amazing survey people come hereand don’t know what to talk about little time not doing by this evening I do because even though no I’m cost me as I was coming in here just before had to give a talk on a particular topic summary which was in my mind as many of you know last week boss Friday I was arrested in England my mother died so it for the funeral is not about the death or dying of 70 talks about that while I was in the UK on those at the office so many hours to pick up the newspapersand read was going on in a probably read everything in the newspaper board sometimes but some may call my attention by now in the UK there is a big day on gay marriageand some of this is much hotter than it is here in Australiaand the same time I go by apparently the governments of Australia are now seeking the import from Buddhist leadersand other religious leaders are gay marriage so this evening I am going to be talking about the Buddhist views on marriage especially gay marriage but not just to say I view but also to use this as a means of discovering how Buddhists make these small decisionsand is that to the place of things five marriage in this Buddhist traditionand not exactly with a dog to start off by saying whether the what you hear from a mug like me is actually representative of the Buddhist tradition because a couple of months ago there was say a conference here in because it was not what attended it was cited in Murdoch University most listening to one of the professors of Murdoch who is giving a presentation about producer one of the things he was saying is said especially in the Western world is said you used in the Buddhism is so liberaland so Martinand so compassionate but that’s not real traditional Buddhismand traditional borders of the site was more conservativeand another that may be the view of some academics but that is totally wrongand you may say that I am a very modern liberal mock not doing things like Ordaining because these since not speaking up for you guys earlier on I must confess the one of the proudest moments in my life here in Australia was when I did write a letter to our local newspaper criticizing of all people his Holiness the Dalai Lama because there was an article in the newspaper reporting the Dalai Lama had said to Compu Buddhistand the guy at the same timeand when I read that I thought must know why this long so I like to note local paper so siteand I’m afraid he’s also been quoted out of context you can be a put issue can be guide is nothing wrong to talk traditional Buddhism of the house that is no problem whatsoever in any which way the results of that’s my prize for standing off the gay community impact was to get my invitation to the gay pride breakfast thank you so much so I went to the gay pride paper so so proud to go that is good fun because when I went that you know what I’m like always have good for wherever you go so when I went a normal guy him outand told him Guyana was straight on we them a lot of you are seven pledges have a good funand I wouldn’t so traditionally look I am not just like a monk who changes Buddhism to sue the Western world I study Buddhism to his thoughtsand urges the learning parties seeing the ancient scriptures reading them understand them translate them especially the rules of discipline for the Mac say you really get one is that how the Buddhist saltand to understand the traditional real traditional Buddhism I’m not talking about the Buddhism of Thailand or Burma or Sri Lanka on talking much earlier than that for the time of the Buddha that Buddhism the most traditionally this Buddhism was so compassionate kind of intolerantand that’s why we have on monastic rules which is so compassionate so kindand so tolerant that when it comes to something like manage one of the things I noticed houses writing for article about this is my existed before all these regions came along now before Christianity came along Islam Judaism know before Buddhism came along even it was still people getting married were not quite sure what those ceremonies were as my be in some spiritual set of element to it but marriage was that before edition came along but what happens sometimes religion comes along see something we should connect dotsand get abusive leverage out ofand smacking the sacrament to make is sacredand apparently that’s what happened with with marriage but not Buddhism never did that they recognize marriage but never try to govern it or controlled it to be want to get married fine we will support you but we will make any rules about who marries except for the point I must say that there was Mr Otis Buddhism to say that you know you shouldn’t get married to someone who is really on the H or someone who is like him mentally incompetent to give know what we call informed consent or some others may be your servant or slave was skin not really free to make informed consent that was Ashley as far as it went in other words rules which we would say today a basic human rights recognizeand even the earliest timesand that was as far as you would guide it was nothing about not having interreligious or interracial or in India into cost marriages of two people wanted to get married fine off you go in the job of the Legion in Buddhism was not to tryand say who would marry who but to say here it is this happens in this world now how can we support how do we make it a happy a good marriage so that’s where revisions lie Buddhism came alongand gave it that spiritual uplift to make sure that the two people got married we cannot have a happy good times is not easy getting married twice is easy getting married but staying married the seventh ofand so that’s why the Buddhism it was incredible beautiful teachings to help manage another was in itand know with Dennis sitting over there in a PC put a society marriage celebrant in a with Johannaand anyone else who wants to become a Buddhism Buddhist marriage celebrant please because now we need more but I do the spiritual side of itand because I’ve been giving marriage blessingsand talking to these people for such a long time now you do recognize is a very powerful strong spiritual message is not just signed the paper those of you who beans were marital see the marriage noticed something very powerfuland deep happening between those two people is a spiritual dimensionand that is why even today we always have some spiritand always but people want to have some spiritual or religious import into this ceremony which the holding in front of their familyand friendsand I know that it’s not just a commitment I know this so some of the arguments are so reading in the newspaper said all the guys who can have a civil marriage is a civil contract you can have a civil contract to know with the bank to pay your mortgage over the next 30 years but is something family very different from just having a contract signing on to be your husband only upon for the next 70 years is something very different than you know that those of you have been married hoping that momentand I certainly sometimes you can’t live up to the inspiration of the 70 but is that you rememberand it’s something which is very spiritual is aware spiritual wealthand religious or sometimes religious is got a bad name now so you spiritual means basically the same thing without the bad connotations to do something spiritual about that momentand note on the set up of my the referee known the outside so I can Ashley so see just how the two sides play this is important part of their lifeand to see you know what it really is doing is something which in Buddhism becomes a very close to this nonself ideaand renunciation letting go of your personal control because being by yourself you can control what you doand how you doing when you do it but when you enter into relationship you have to relinquish a lot of that controland other words you can’t think about yourself anymoreand as I often say you’ve heard it here I say this in all the marriages you can’t think of your partner either in a marriage should never think of yourself in a marriage you must never think of your apartment in a marriage she just think of us there is a jump that I jump from the ordinary from the Monday the into something much more uplifting spiritual something which is in Buddhism much more selfless now first of all I mention this because they saw the two mistakes of a marriage first of all know what I’m getting out of it that’s a selfish part of the marriage in Buddhism we called up the Hindi on a marriage this is just a little bit of basic Buddhist of two types of Buddhism they say in a Yana Mahayana in a Yana is when you just meditating your practicing to for your own alignment to how was a 40 else so my meditation I’m going on retreat don’t disturb me that when any business or any tutees live in a cave you feed me Luca because I’m going for enlightenment best the so called concerned is about me the other Mahayana’s were you sacrifice everything for other people’s sacrifice even your own alignment all the other blades of grass become enlightened before me on the be the very last dose is a very funny stories about that because you know this is what we call the bodhisattva the artist sacrificing a sofa or other beingsand I the story wants this is just I’m just rambling again when I was a schoolteacher when I was a schoolteacher for one year to see if you ever teach high school for one year you all think of becoming a monk edited to get away from skates sizes go to one year at the end of the year to give about the report causes about 40 years agoand of course one of the kids in my cross time lost bottom of the costand as soon as I get the report cards I was looking at him in his report cardand the soft 30th the cost of 30 to see his face struck his shoulders to God would like to tell my parents this evening the guy was showing very clear signs of clinical depression I was always a car ride innovative person even as a schoolteacher I couldn’t just allow this kid to get so upsetand have so much suffering so I went to speak with him labeland you also Buddhist when I was a schoolteacher until meditations live in the assembly for five days that’s another story I went out to himand I said listen I’m going to teach her some Buddhism about the concept of the bodhisattva in Buddhism a bodhisattva is one of the highest reviewed beings they are someone who sacrifices our own happiness out of concern for office said that’s you you have voluntarily taken this worse position in the hall cross the whole box of knowing just how much suffering your saving your classmates so by taking this lowly position of 30 at the bottom of the cross it means that your friends don’t have to get

Source: I'm A Mom And School Administrator Nothing Scares Me Floral Mother Gift T Shirt

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Of expression from our policy to really know state these known tears or no faith no Scrabble all over our involve ESA is a I'm A Mom And School Administrator Nothing Scares Me Floral Mother Gift T Shirt wall yes war and being consumed destroys was severely crippled in the mouth allowed Olalla 200 gallbladder level right now I’ll go on a blind level right to receive a feeding back the right has been in the last of the right you want to see you thing I had the CMAC five DB rail along right now the around seltzer on the design problem was completed was 75 mm diameter 7 mm long it was the size of one for the migraine or ice I want to say that I’m not a Christian and there were no Christians there wanted us to have a resource and be able to medicine and told us they wanted us to use lithium as a resource lithium juice and watch batteries is used in our heart pacemaker batteries is used in a lot of places I design is microchip a little charging circuit that would charge the battery that sounds like a lot of things coming together in one minute you’ll see what God has laid out about this. We should know literally opened the box marked as he recently his feelings about what I found out about it to be I was sad and excited in the same time living in the United States only African Americans as you may know is hard for them to go that far back to you did connected to stream forged through a recipe needs a green first for the family she cooked and care for it was so the boys with now fail everyone a have a caretaker who cooks first and she makes this amazing recipe and seek out objects in the milling company heard about it and he knew that she was using their meal they came and saw her out was born the debut the world’s press conference Johnson team three green soaring bars and boxing something’s pancake mix she was distrusted a back and you know anybody who would look at a African American woman could they knew that they can trust for orders years mentioning green performance and created all the same for what she did well for storyteller as a clerk at the letters degree in 1923 women became symbols. Presidential debate with and I october 15 be a debate requested as an american I have a presentation to the tail end of his quarantine the point all we got out of been doing now will be canceled for a couple of weeks we know that there by with and more time with the public and the man made theory of how bad it is hours update wendy you the last number is the hour but and I appreciate so much all of your expertise this morning helping to guide our coverage of the system breaking story minivan senior washington who of course will be part of the coverage going forward today on cbc news network health story to all of this just the medical and health aspect of the us president testing positive cringe and he is with me next infectious disease research or microbiologist and immunologist and someone returning to fridays before I usually scientific insights boy this is happened in our normal conversation as well prof jenny and I thank you for being with us can I need your expertise on this to a more irate so the
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