Sunday, January 17, 2021

Because He's Mine I Walk The Line Guitar Lake Shirts

Most brutal dictators can jungle the present trust access to successfully access the father is now as in strangest feed is here compared to present a Because He's Mine I Walk The Line Guitar Lake Shirts very strange pre lighthouse out the money as you think there still people there trust sort Michael yes year with so much on the line we are went there meeting tonight from Washington a very busy Newsnight America’s number one source you will know. In Jamaica back to the moonand if he Maximus however his evil plan involve destroying the entire city of Adalat so black bullet uses his power for the thirdand only cool time in the entire show to try Maximus thereand then moves on humans to earth to carry on as a happier society that I imagine will never see againand yes I did watch the entire show I joined a spare you all the details I now listen this is where another big point of contention will beand people will get 90 for this but Duncan enemy cannot marvel right actually documented in either it’s not that big of a deal also if you just want continue with the timelineand don’t care about this estimation click to this point the video this is the only way can do this is been pretty much confirmed that the avengers takes place in 2012and Civil War takes place in 2016 I’m coming takes place a few months after Civil War great but that’s apparently also eight years after the avengers because for some reason Marv up at this title card in Spiderman homecoming on top of that vision says in Civil War that I amand revealed himself to the world eight years ago putting Iron Man in 2008 but it’s also six months before Iron Man two which is set in 2010 why do you do this to me marvel so yes this timeline isn’t perfect it actually can be but I was getting off thing the next most sense relatively here something homecoming is in 2016 a few months after Civil War so Peter is back to school with his buddy Ned is still waiting for a call to be an avenger currently uses helping people in the streets in his new suit is having usual high school struggles with trying to be cooland getting girls to the prom with youand having your best friend find out your superhero you know to building stuff but he’s also starting to come into contact with criminals moreand more were getting their weapons from Adrian Toombs the vulture was still salvaging that stuff from avengers battlesand selling it at one point vulture tries to killand when he’s messing up his operationand Tony has to save Peter telling him to stop going after the sky got enough to worry about as it is what with the avengers broken up Peter doesn’t really listen thoughand so that helps them unlock the full powers of the Spidey suit by hacking it Spidey’s investigationsand the bleeding into Washington DC with his decathlon team where piece of tech he found while looking into Toombs turns out to be a tutorial bomb goes off of his friends in the Washington Monument one of his friends there is a girl he is a crush on who is actually aging Toombs’s daughter Liz what are the odds he saves the teams livesand has back to Newark where with the help of this criminal Davis who he helped a while back he finds out where tombs is doing his next deal is on the ferryand he almost saves the day but things go horribly wrongand Sherry shut down the middleand almost things Iron Man sees happening in shows up to save the day just in time is like well you messed up big time could give me the soup back forever Peter’s present about this but goes back to being a normal teen even asking without homecoming on homecoming night though he finds out that Toombs is her dadand realizes he has to save the day without his cool suit Toombs also figures out the Peter Spidey in the most intimidating Michael Keaton way possible uses big ultimate plan is to hijack a plane full of old avengers tech so I can sell it all make a fortuneand finally retire with the help of Ned his old homemade suit his police carand the power of believing yourself manages to catch up to themand eventually stop them is the right thingand saves Toombs his life who ends up in jail because of thisand because Toombs is a relatively reasonable guy he doesn’t give a Peter’s secret identity to a fellow contact is moves away Peter continues lifeand become better friends with a girl called MJand Tony being the terrible father figure that he is pretend this is all part of a big Planters asks Peter if he was to be avenger full time Peter does the right thingand says no Tony surprised but is not to upset you got back to pepper after presumably a lot of long talksand he may be proposes to her peers decides to keep helping the little guyand unfortunately his aunt Mae discovers that he is really Spiderman now while I ate so Stephen strange is finally finishing his training he’s gotten pretty solid in mastering the Mystic arts meanwhile case alias is to figure out how to get the memo to come over from the dark dimension to engulf everything he breaks in one of the symptomsand the Masters of the mystic arts of a fight with him that was strange getting some help from the cloak of levitation SLAs reveals that the ancient one has been trying power from the dark dimensionand then after another fight he tells’s motto is pretty happy that the each one had been lying whole time but you still have slight against Casillas SLAs ghost the Hong Kong sanctum kills Wongand Alisha’s door memo to destroy the world strange uses the nifty time stone to bring one back to lifeand goes into the dark dimension where he faces to memo introduces door memo to the concept of time creates a fun new catchphrase threatens to track them in a time loop until tomato to leave their memo hates the time loop it is like yeah right about here yes it takes case aliasand his minions way with them after the age line in the time messing more was pretty upset because no one will follow the rules anymore as a leaves the group to pursue other stuff he believes there are too many sorcerers in the world is getting around cleaning them up starting with that guy paying born that he’s a villain now goes back to the New York sanctum to keep protecting the worldand keep an eye out for otherworldly threats sell over to Frank Castle who having finishes punishing days is trying to live a normal life hammering a building all day he comes out of the shadows of it to kill some guysand gangsters to go after nice guy’s job is also still friends of his old war buddy Curtis will manage in the Donnie is now investigating him because she thinks he might have something to do with her old partner’s death which he most certainly did Frank watches that exact video that micro left at his house done he wants the video backand so she talks to Castle’s old army buddy secret backstabbing bass third Billy Russoand he set a romantic relationship man that is not user friendly Frank gets help from his old buddy Karen page to track down micro on the way killing Madonna’s boss Franks not very nice to micro he finds in but soon become friendsand share info on their pasts micro with the video sharingand getting shot going to cover Anne Frank with a 17 Cerberus doing questionable stuff they greeted him up to take other people behind servers as their priestly guys at some point here Castle also finds out that they were involved with this family’s murder so looks like there still people out there who need to be punished also everything’s cast was dead just see no Donnie starts working with a cool dude called Sam Steinand Frank figures out that it’s that guy Agent Orange was in charge of Cerberus the guy was I really messed up a while ago really needs to be taken out Russo still secretly working for Agent Orange pretends to be Frank’s friend Frank is like a services three messed upand also fun for drug operationand Dominic kill everyone involved in verses like don’t worry about it a bunch of stuff happens there’s a BDSM general Frank comes close Michael’s wifeand kids while micro watches which is a little weird Russo kill Steinand Ellen Stein is a war that is building bombs but I figures out Russo’s a bad guy luck it’s a whole thing but the end fragment is a bunch of Russo’s manand was again asked Michael’s family Frank no longer so the bad guy a little too late ends up in Russo’s hands is torture for that by Russoand then tortured for bit by Agent Orange until Russo because they were friends at some point decides Frank should be tortured too much science Frank kill Agent Orangeand then runs away Frankand Russo have their final showdown at night on the carousel were Frank’s family was murdered Russo for shoes Madonnaand head although she survives then Frank beaten up for bidand decides not to kill them but instead disfigure his beautiful Prince Caspian face by rubbing against some broken glass very brutal Frank is allowed to go free somehow Russo’s convicted for his terrible crimesand Michael gets to go back to his family so a surprisingly happy ending now look while all this is happening there is a totally unrelated stories that teenagers with superpowersand their parents being in a weird magic call is totally not connected to anything so I’m sorry to diehard runaways fans I’m really getting over this quickly is this group of teenage friends called Alex Nico Carlee Nagar chased Molly to find out since Nico sister died their parents are part of this group called pride which is a front for called the worships is being called Jonah he has powers in some of these kids parents to help them stay alive for as long as possible because the MCU a villain is either trying to destroy a planet create an army of super soldiers or stay live for really long time is done by sacrificing a young person to give Joan energy John is also the plan is to dig really deep under the city to get some special rocks that’ll give them powers sound familiarand is getting these kids parents to help them also Jonah is Caroline’s dad so she has powersand Molly has superstrength because she was there some special rocks when her parents died in an explosion because find other parents are weird calland certify against them using their giftsand tech they find along the way romancesand teen drama develop as well some adultery drum of the parents which accommodates in the final battle between the parentsand the kids the kids managed to stop Jonah from drooling out of the cityand causing the halting to collapse in the end the kids run away also there’s a dinosaur the parent to turn apartand Jonathere being evil done shield team are still looking for Daisy who’s off being a superhero vigilante fighting the watchdogsand looking up for humans albeit interestingand likable once you encounter while face washed out numbers after saying this Kobe accords as a start hearing more about the ghostwriter that superpowered vigilante from four is going around doing a similar thing is the punisher also the shield teamand Daisy start investing the Bowers if you don’t rememberand I don’t blame you if you don’t ghosts who can make you crazy by touching you Daisy decides to team up ghostwriter to fight these ghosts is gaslight ghostwriter is the only one who can kill ghosts the more you know all of this is happening Dr Radcliffe’s tag along with the shield peopleand is secretly building a very lifelike AI robot lady called Ada not creepy at all after some convincing he gets this to help with data so ghost busting is going on but the team soon discovers that ghostwriter’s uncle released the bag on the situation so they fighting for a bit including chopped in this slight middle dimension she’ll get there has in the dark old that book from the hell dimensionand is like Dr Radcliffe read this book singular friends of that weird little dimension Ratcliff is like now that book make stable crazy by my female robot Frankand do it that’s totally not a blowup interfaces reads itand get the crew back but also is super intelligent nowand start spelling her own brainand if you’ve seen any film about artificial intelligence including in this very universe you probably know this is going youand is becoming pretty eviland so she can estimate replaces her with a life model decoy meanwhile Daisy comes back shieldand her name is publicly cleared Radcliffe data goes even as well as teams up with Ada because he wants to get his hands on the startled is again its name is the ring from the rings shield is also still fighting the watchdogs including their big Russian leader here is where stuff gets kind of tricky bills this thing called the framework which is basically the matrix it’s a virtual world you can go into a live inand it’s great Ratcliff in a just a kidnapping shield people replacing them with look like robotsand putting their actual mines inside the framework eventually Daisyand Simmons the only two that are left Saturday after robot fightand get themselves into this framework look I’m going to skip over this pretty much entirely because there’s a whole worldand there remember it’s entirely virtual really this a computer world is where Hydra took overand grab what is back but he’s not high for this timeand it’s pretty great fits this evil Nazi scientist Colson is a history teacher Mac has the daughter heels wantedand so onand so on eight also goes even more rogue against Radcliffe so he’s also trying to help the team now also on the way Jeffrey Mase turns out to be a real heroand then dies just Sedo eventually they go out after some crazy adventures gives yourself a human body with superpowersand emotions so that school also fits is pretty weirded out about being a Nazi scientist after some more fights ghostwriter shows backupand decides Ada historical now that it’s probably bad news so he’s get a killer schoolsand borrow the ghostwriter powers to kill Ada but at the price of Colson getting this horrible infectious ghostwriter disease that slowly eats away at his heart ghostwriter takes back the spirit of vengeanceand tasted are called back to the dimension of hell the government is now after the shield team because they think they’re terrorists so the team goes for one last meal at a diner however Enoch a chronic on shows up enough so the team except for fitsand uses a new monolith to send the team about seven years into the future to the year 2091 now I know you’re thinking what the fuck just happenedand that’s what I’m thinking too we are so close the end of this so perfectly close we almost didn’t have a totally universe time I shattering event take place but now there’s this silica I sort of have to gloss over this one that is a happens for the sake of this video even I guess I’m fully expecting several essays in the comments on why this is wrong is that the shield team is at the year 2091 in an alternate dimension where Daisy destroy the worldand the critic over humanity on a giant space station unearthed its present sell for 70 years Styleand got the future to help after some adventures fighting to create a get back to present day in the correct dimension there are holes in that I know but will expand this better later that got I’m recording this after the 100th episode so some epic revelation comes out after that sorry haven’t seen yet that she is now dealing with Colson’s ghostwriter disease yo yo has lost both her armsand the government is still not capture themand Fitzsimmons finally got married I will also their grandson has traveled back in time with them no big deal that’s where relieving the shield team right episode 100 take a look back with Jessica Jones left killing kill graveand working with defenders is known as a vigilante in New York but she still working as a private investigator with her neighbor Malcolm who is now her business associate this other PI is also trying to take over business is Hogarth but Jessica’s got bigger problems Trish her best friendand failing talkshow host is like you should lookand I GH the company they give you powers Jessica’s like now I don’t want to but she decides to anyway when you do called the Windsor shows upand reveals he was given superspeed by IG H is then quickly murdered by Jessica’s mom was still working with that I GH Dr Dr Carl Albini tie up any loose ends for them just as mom also kills a former IG’s doctor called cause ofand Wilson’s interest Walker’s old boyfriend is diagnosed with ALS so that sucks Jessica meets her mom not knowing who she isand discovers the powers she has Jessica’s mom kills another guy with the superstrengthand Trish is using the super steroids from I GH that will ease to use that make you superstrong for sure. Working people are under attack the wealth gap grows our middle class shrinks and poverty persists last week Donald Trump said and I quote our economy is doing good while 40 million Americans art risk of losing their homes 30 million are getting enough to eat and 54 million people have lost their health care because of this crisis he has failed us but still I believe in the dream of our ancestors together with Joe and in the White House will raise the minimum wage so no one who works a full time job in America lives in poverty together will fight for those who keep us healthy and keep us safe teach our children will stand for those who cook and serve and clean who plant and harvest to pack and always those who deliver whose hands are thick with calluses my granddad’s were lifted knee high who held mine when I was a boy if he was alive Joe and he would be so proud of you and he tell us take another by the hand and another and let’s get to work this dream made free you gotta work for so like his generation up

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Conditions in each of the last five years the flu resulted in more deaths of those under 18 in the United States then have been lost thus far to coronavirus by far the flu flu does kill young people given these considerations we believe many school district’s can now reopen safely provided they implement mitigation measures and health protocols to protect families protect teachers and protect students or families should be empowered to make the decision that is right for their own circumstances this is especially important if a Because He's Mine I Walk The Line Guitar Lake Shirts child has underlying health conditions or lives with a parent or grandparent was at a high risk and one of the things we like to do is when we make payment to schools because we spend a lot of money in schools would like to make the payment directly to the student or to the child and that would mean to the parents essentially that to the child we want to follow the child so that if the school is closed the family can go to another school maybe in another area that they can do it and. And the war on the stifling avalanche of regulation coming out of this administration Hillary Clinton Tim Kane want more the same it really is remarkable that they they actually are advocating 1 trillion in tax increases which I get that you try to raise taxes here in Virginia were unsuccessful but 1 trillion in tax increases more regulation more of the same moron call and more of Obama care that even former Pres Bill Clinton calls Obama care crazy plan but Hillary Clinton tend to want to build on Obama care they want expanded into the single payer program and for all the world Hillary Clinton just thinks Obama care is a good start lit novel Trump and I have a plan to get this economy moving again just the way that it worked in the 1980s just the way it worked in the 1960s and that is by lowering taxes across the board for working families small businesses and family farms ending the war on coal it is hurting jobs and hurting this economy even here in Virginia repealing Obama care lock stock and barrel and. Maybe he’s got it it’s no the implication is that this is the current okay so I restore the ball universe included everyone who had already come back to life med that you are how do I the horse you don’t feel like it should go back to what is bringing back the thing that had aft of the universal ready when you universe you to follow the path on your re creating the flaw in the universe to get destroyed but now someone else made it like you know the last Guardian McGlashan Glaxo were not wanted to resurrect from death anymore but right then we did dieand came back to life yet one more patio pass rightand brief that will deploy the business model wasn’t to be like a local gym setting this outand she was like I thought ofand I’ll try to write my well okay so Jim got nothing the dead mean dad understand like if you think think that means dad because you really really want to matter you post the matter they needed they may not matter on energy is now so I’m saying if you kill some of you better be damn sure that it’s a really good story or as a really good poignant thingand that you don’t want that character come back like next week because I’m not going to greenlight unless it’s a big character that we need money from which is unwisely unless it’s a character toenails created in the Millbury back in the book living like fuck you I energies I feel that the oversight right will you use it though you so how long does it last its programs immediately by who I don’t recall the first person is resurrected by do know that it’s like 2003 so like three years later in Civil War they kill Bill foster Goliathand he still that I think will so well okay when when the comes next is sorely sort which is like so Joe you know you is scheduled to start another Keppra to tell him not telling Jim Starling not to contradict himself is like telling a horse not to gallop gracefully through a field it’s like a chef not to make a delicious meal if it’s just it’s just a thought It was just a guideline install the one was inspired to do a big stupid things the Pharaoh that no one cares about but no one is so is a joke is not as likely to win man wanted to be like I was just try to make people take couple more seriously it may be why Casado left it as of the end book ride is like 10 no one thinks it’s actually incontinent to carry continuity the end book is entirely different things I know you want it is soldand not taking about Sears I was still over there wrote itand just like is not what I asked for I still have to publish it because it’s gonna make us all like I paid already Chairman when you so marble the end or as is later collected I think the court fan is the like all those left and no people click on fantasy got so morallyand it has some really fun ideas I think I glossed over but like if you do get a chance to read about a conversation with Dennisand warlock is very Jim Starling in his like law but also kind of poignant feeling satisfied at the end really is like when you something that they’re just talking about initial reaction was to be upset with him like no this actually makes sense for these two characters early so like every marble hero in the unit on reverse because Spiderman’s alternate reality daughter spider girl is in the fight something always liked everything goes up the fight so I literally already saw your big silly flashlight with all the calculable characters is just the way some yeah we would that’s because that’s what happens in white God now which is like how about these two cooler heads just have a conversation in which I like I really wish I could eat wasn’t a part of all he is on it’s really weird so we really when you’re convinced he was like taking some kind of like learning Annex course about ancient Egypt that’s neat what is when we know well know story about how he die is not what you know there’s a lot of people we don’t know but what happens in the healing starts to go sailing can be treated is the Egyptians role the resurrection or like like a dadand what is it the rightand Azariah the theme in the story so why not if you use some no actual goal was just so randomand stupid as always after one random human to get picked up by alien because he technically was a leader of many people at one point for these goober aliens that the hardest is powered yeah random aliensand overheard name exist beings but only because like they look so what they they’re just the ones who thought of it first went to the who built a machine around or they were just physically close enough to see it probably is forever else is looking for because he believes there is a power like that universe guys probably like was set up there using as a son of the first like 6000 years of our all with the heart of the universeand the thing that makes us all exist let’s go build the thing around it to protect Israel to go to a sweet planet that 1 billion ly away one random dude diaper out of his elementand then give him a portion of power but he does with itand 10 000 years later turns out he is an ass hole about the leavesand goes back to the planet before you you have themand they are experiment will be neat to being a dick cool humans powered exhibit like he’s so powerful that he could destroy everything anyway so I went we had once been the product to a two story is a Egypt story we got really unimportant yeah ultimatelyand then a story the actual story but it’s actually interesting because you could if it wasn’t continuity you have a couple of meanings like a marble began to kill the characters is normally under the end of the universe right also it’s fundamentally the end of marble if it’s in continuity because you’ve just betrayed that this is stupid our universe is someone could physically graband useand that the Godand breaks everything I tell you everything understand just what Starling broke his own book yet did Jim Starling we had always said this was the matter characters die in the book at the end of the book there’ll yeah will relate what does just what you will want more time with this multi means it is it one more time the next time on next or not I’m doing this book to make sure there are number next time but as long as I’m writing it to take this time Jim on the that the last time so I’m to do it as much as possible really is the people come back as you mass like maybe what he’s doing trying to say like look at how stupid it is resurrected don’t you feel like a jackass is not a matter resides in times in the same book if that’s the point of the book by my original person who did that by until it half of the men in was a plot device it was like he’s not doing it because it was a fundamental plot point of your cinematic universe like that was what would would fight he did start was just like it was a display of Panos’s power he does thisand then less than issue later they’re all backand he was doing it to impress desk gas is not doing it because he spun I believe that how it should be he’s doing as a gesture to try get laid which is way less impressive so till the broader badass now is saying rock to bring back that was also like 10 years earlierand now he’s working for this companyand they’re saying were trying to make a new goal of to do that for you not going to want to I snapped way have you ever mission is address the myriad regrets I don’t it’s hard to tell you I’m in it here’s a video Jim Starling wrote a death in the family he killed Jason to is no stranger to the weightand gravity of killing a character maybe didn’t Jim Starling is just a bloodthirsty man was six Hill but like no so get in trouble for is what he’s telling fantastical stories were colorful people in tightsand death is a it is is a very good thing to use that out that hammers home the point that like things matter Jason Todd come back to life by this point could be he’s a like a commentary on being like I killed Jason Toddand Laura are you doing I like you brought them back that’s all to take the availability like anything that means to stay in your will reinforceand outselland problem what why why we why we what we losing the marble againand affordable for your whole universe is gone to see broken back time brought by Jason thought that was where it all started maybe maybe in thisand I credit Starling with the with with movie you know before to be able to shoulder all that I think so yes I said yes but anyway that’s normallyand it definitely looks cool it yes yes the watercolors you want but anyway right as he is negative on the prairies of South Bennett Watson
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